Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Heritage Foundation president says we're in "the second American revolution"


SO um, yeah, this was said by the same guys who made  project 2025. And they're celebrating the SCOTUS decision giving Trump broad presidential immunity. These guys are psycho. They're planning a fascist takeover of the US. They are in a war with mainstream culture trying to push their values on everyone, and they're planning a hostile authoritarian takeover of the US.

This is it. This is the modern equivalent of the fricking Nazis. I'm not kidding either. For the love of God, the GOP MUST BE DEFEATED. This isn't a normal election. These guys are angling for a right wing takeover to shape the country in their image, and we're sitting here debating if our president has dementia and if he can win. This is NOT good. I feel like we're at the end of Weimar Germany here.

These guys are fricking psycho, wake up America!

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