Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Briefly discussing the state of the union

 This is going to be short, as I'm just not into it this year, but Biden gave his state of the union tonight, and while I couldn't watch all of it due to being preoccupied with real life stuff at the time, I did watch most of it.

And it was boring. Very boring. He started off with a circlejerk about jobs, and how we created so many in the past year, and given I've literally been thinking about how our economy is structurally set up to never have enough jobs and how jobs are never going to be the answer to our problems, this just felt like an empty virtue signal that doesn't mean anything. But everyone was cheering, going on about how great the economy was, and blah blah blah, yeah, it was sickening. Biden just doesn't get it. But then again he's a neoliberal who believes "jobs have dignity" or whatever BS he spews so, yeah. 

Beyond that, I barely remember much. It all felt that empty to me. Oh yeah, a lot of stuff about bringing supply chains back to america (MORE JERBS) and stuff like that. Some red meat for the base in the form of talking about defending social security from the republicans, but that was about the best moment of the night. Also talked about calling on congress to codify roe v wade, but if it didnt happen last year, fat chance of it happening this year. We all know this crap aint gonna happen. I admire biden for at least saying it, but yeah. I just wish the democrats had more balls in the first place. but they dont, and given how they barely passed anything last year, not much is gonna change this year with the GOP controlling the house. As I said, his best moments was him taking the fight to the GOP and telling them if they pull their stupid games and try to hold the country hostage to force cuts to social security that he would stop them. But ultimately, that's all this dude had. 

it was very milquetoast, very boring, and I'm not impressed. Maybe its because im busy rewriting some stuff from here for my special little project, and I'm getting high on the small of my own farts in terms of the quality of my own content, but biden just hit all the wrong notes for me. it was just "the economy is great, yay me, i did that, inflation reduction act baby, jerbs jerbs jerbs, and i wanna do these things the GOP will never let me do". That's all. I was bored with it honestly.

If the GOP wasn't so batcrap insane, I wouldn't even be supporting Biden at all I dont think. Dude is literally the epitome of a 5/10 president if I ever seen one. Milquetoast, weak, doesnt do anything. I'm bored, dude, you're boring me. Mainstream politics disappoints again. Screw how broken this country's politics are.

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