Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Discussing the working families party's response to the SOTU

 So I had to dig a bit to find an actual "progressive" SOTU response, and this was the best I got.

This one was kind to me too. I mean, she started talking about how her parents came over the border before she was born and how her family worked like 14 hours a day and never saw each other. Honestly, this kind of stuff doesnt resonate with me. People treat working long hours like a flex, and I just see it as "youre a victim here dude, you shouldnt be forced to do this to survive." And that seemed to set the stage for the rest of it. Like, i really hate how a lot of lefties just lean so hard into the religion of work in our society. And while they did one up biden, calling for his FULL agenda being passed, i want to remind people his full agenda was STILL fairly watered down. Like free childcare and the like are nice, we should have the CTC (which they mentioned helped WORKING families...uh...again I'm for UBI so...), build back better. Like these are all nice things, but we need to do better. Like, that's just where im at. The overton window is so far to the right here that simply being like "im for mildly good things" counts as progressive these days.

I mean, that's how I feel about this. Im for mildly good things, Im not for bad things. Blah blah blah. And yeah, I'm just not impressed. 

And in some ways they leaned into things where i am a bit more conservative. They pushed for gun control, for example, and while i admit a path of citizenship is better than OMG THE IMMIGRANTS ARE STORMING OVER OUR BORDER AND POISONING OUR CHILDREN WITH FENTENYL like Trumpster Dumpster did, eh, like I'm going to be honest, I really only lean left on illegal immigration out of pragmatism. Again, it's simply "don't be psychotically evil" for me. Im not really a fan of illegals being here, I dont buy into the weird leftist circlejerk of immigration in this country, but at the same time i end up just agreeing with the center left out of not wanting to be the straight jacket guy from the Angst music video. Like, emphasizing the issue didnt really motivate me, but at the same time, given what the right is pushing, this is...better i guess. Anything is better than the right. 

Idk. Like, this was also kinda blah for me. Maybe a step up from Biden's speech, but it still left me feeling lacking. 6/10. 

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