Tuesday, February 7, 2023

More discussion on women being afraid of men, and this being harmful

 So, more discussion on social justice nonsense regarding women being afraid of men. Idk, this one gets under my skin as it feels a little more personal to me. Like, to recap, I'm an autistic nerd. I've never been good with women, and if anything due to all of the complexities of rules with how to approach women, I actually have come to realize I'm actually really freaking repressed on this subject. Like quite frankly, for as much as women fear men, I fear women. Like, I'm afraid to express my feelings toward women. I won't go into the personal traumas that led to this feeling mostly, but just suffice to say, I'm literally afraid to express romantic interest in women. Mainly because I don't want to come across as creepy, mainly because such social interactions are like a volatile minefield where I just don't know how to NOT say the wrong thing. I literally do kind of believe the stereotype that the difference between creepy and accepted is really subjective, and really comes down to whether interest is reciprocal. If it isn't, then you're considered kind of creepy. If it is then it's just...accepted. And yeah. 

Honestly, I keep coming across random threads, without me even looking for them lately, in which women go on about how scared they are of men. How they can't even go from their car to their apartment without their keys in their hands because they're afraid someone is gonna come up to them and rape them or something. I just feel like this is both justified and ridiculous. To go into the justification, let me just say, if you live in a BAD area, i don't care who you are, you probably aren't safe. Like, I dont' like going outside in my neighborhood after dark. My dad won't go outside without a gun these days, that's how bad it is. We've had neighbors being beaten and robbed on the next block. We've had shoot outs go on in front of my house. Yeah, I mean, let me just say, I get what it's like to fear for your life.

But fearing men just because? Idk. Like sometimes I feel like women get WAAAAY too skittish. Like I'm gonna be straight with women. Even if we aren't always socially apt, the vast majority of us are NOT rapists. Like, only like 1-2% of men i think actually would do that. And while I get it, those POSes exist, and kinda ruin it for the rest of us, I really don't think it's fair that the rest of us have to be so much more on guard ourselves to avoid, idk, freaking you out, because some men are scumbags. Because it hurts us too. And it seems like society largely doesn't want to talk about that productively. SJW culture is just omg women are so so scared and you men need to learn to be better and blah blah blah, and me, being fed up with SJW culture, is just getting to the point where idk why we need to change our entire culture over this. It's actually not healthy for us to do this. Yes, some men are pieces of crap, and yes, I would largely agree that you should be on guard for them. But, fearing the rest of us isn't healthy. This isn't improving gender relations, it's making them worse.

The problem with most discourse with social justice stuff is that it's just so one sided and it's made up of a bunch of people who want to forcefully change the norms of society, and dump all these new rules on the privileged, and lecture us about how "we need to understand" the sensibilities of women here and blah blah blah, and NO ONE EVER ASKED US WHAT WE THINK. Seriously, no one ever asked us if these rules make sense. No one ever asked if they are problematic for us. And the SJWs just dont care. They're their little self righteous tribalistic culture warriors going on about how everything is the privileged vs the underprivileged and how the privileged need to bend over backwards to understand and sympathize with the underprivileged, even at great inconvenience to ourselve. It's alienating, it really is.

Again, I'm NOT an incel, so I'm going to say I don't think the counter movement is any better. Like, I try to keep it real and objective here. I recognize women may have some legit fears here, I just think it's a little overblown, a little too much, and the cultural norms for men seem a little out of whack as a result. I know most who end up thinking about this stuff like this end up going down the dark path toward literal inceldom where they start LITERALLY thinking they ARE entitled to sex and long for the 1950s where they could just more or less force themselves on women and get what they want. I'm not that. I'm obviously seeking some sort of balance between that and the literal other extreme, which is where the social justice people are now.

I really don't know why things can't just be, ya know, easier? Obviously there are some boundaries men should never cross, and at some point men are gonna have to take the hint and move on if a woman isn't interested. But...experiencing significant social disapproval over faux pases and talking about how women live in constant fear of men sharing affection without them reciprocating is a bit much. The social norms are a bit much. That's all I'm really saying. Men shouldn't have to live in literal agonizing fear of telling people they have feelings for that they have feelings for them. We should be able to have nuanced discussions about this without things being weird. And honestly, cultural norms shouldn't try to overcorrect so far that people live in literal fear of telling people how they feel for fear of being seen as creepy or weird. 

Like really, when I say I've realized I'm repressed, I mean, like, literally. I am in my thirties, a virgin, haven't had a girlfriend since i was like 16, and that didn't last long itself, and yeah. I'm literally afraid to express my sexuality in any way for fear of people taking it the wrong way, because it's such a minefield to navigate. And that's why I feel that way on this subject. I just feel like the SJWs overcorrect for things like always. I'm not saying that there aren't legitimate reasons why women fear men, I'm just saying the fear is overblown to the point of being harmful, and that discussion on these subjects are so tilted in favor of women that men barely have safe spaces to express their side of the story any more. Yes, I am still salty over that r/aspergers ban, that's one reason for this. Because honestly, a sub for autistic people should actually help and support autistic people, not become a toxic SJW circlejerk hostile to men daring express their frustrations on this subject. And yeah.

Idk, that's just where I'm at right now with this.

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