Monday, February 27, 2023

Discussing DeSantis vs wokeness, Tennessee's new law, and how the right doesn't give a crap about freedom

 So, I don't talk about the right that much on here, mainly because I like to write about INTERESTING topics, and not "bad things are bad, good things are good". Whenever I feel like I'm writing about the right, I feel like my articles often come down to that unless there's a more important point to make about the right. 

This...kinda feels like the former. So, as we know, in Florida, Ron DeSantis is banning wokeness in schools and nonsense like that. I mean, the right wingers act like teaching wokeness is an existential threat to their existence, and I guess that a well rounded education is, as their ideas can't compete in a real market place of ideas assuming the people are intelligent enough to think about these things. So what have they done? Well, over the past half centuries, they've tried taking over schools. They point out the advantage the left has in higher education, so they've hammered home on K-12, trying to push their nonsense, especially in southern states. And now, wokeness is the big threat they're freaked out again.

Now, we've read Noebel on here, we know how the right approaches worldview, and how the "woke" or postmodern worldview is competition for the fundamentalist christian one. And while I dont really agree with either, the woke one is at least based on sound theory, even if I can't imagine making it my entire perspective. The right doesnt like it simply because it displaces their worldview. 

Honestly, the right is in such a moral panic about this nonsense that they didn't even know how to define it. They just knew it was bad and had to get back to the person asking the definition. Then they came back and talked about systemic injustices. 

Now, Im going to be honest. Im not a fan of "wokeism", although my definition varies a bit. I'm mostly concerned about those who make it their entire worldview, are extremely evangelical on forcing it on others, and insist on punishing anyone who doesnt go along with them. I see those guys as a threat to freedom as they take it to religious zealotry levels of insanity. But what Ron DeSantis is doing is just as bad if not worse.

I mean, belief in systemic injustices, by that definition I'M woke. I mean, I accept systemic injustices. Not just racial and gender based ones, but ones of all kind. And that's an important part of education. Like, being able to understand systemic issues, conflict theory and all, that's BASIC SOCIOLOGY. Ron is being full on anti intellectual here and banning literal sociology in effect here. That's messed up. This is a fundamental violation of freedom of speech and freedom of thought, and it anti intellectual in nature.

This isn't uncommon among the right. Remember when back in the 2012 election cycle the Texas GOP talked about banning critical thinking? Yeah, these guys are anti intellectual nutcases. Screw these guys. 

And then we gotta talk about Tennessee. They just banned drag shows. Like, wtf. They're literally so afraid of men in dresses that they banned the concept. I mean, Again, massive violation of peoples' freedom. If guys wanna wear dresses, go for it, let your freak flag fly. I don't care. But for some reason, the right does.

This kinda stuff is why i can never be a rightoid on social issues. I mean, some of the literal woke crazies will think I'm a right winger just for not being as extreme as them on their crap, but uh, to actually get to a point where the right wing worldview makes sense, you need to have this extremely conservative authoritarian view of society. And I just don't. Like, I left that crap, I'm never going back. I'm actually pretty libertarian on social issues. I keep saying it whenever i criticize the woke people too. I'm LIBERTARIAN on social issues. As in, laid back, do what you want, just dont hurt other people. I dont like the woke people trying to force their crap on everyone else, sure. But I also dont like the right trying to regulate behavior according to their weird authoritarian religious worldviews. It's a shame that in the 21st century we have to actually discuss these issues openly and say "hey maybe banning this crap" is bad. For me, this crap has been won 10 years ago now, and it's like, jesus, why won't the right just go away already? 

I mean, it's nuts. Party of small government, people. Small enough to fit in your vaginas and regulate abortion. Small enough to tell you what you should and shouldnt wear. Small enough to ban valid social science from educational facilities. Seriously, screw the right.

I want to make it clear, to all my anti woke lefties and fence sitters out there. I know there's this alt right pipeline out there, don't go down it. Those guys are indoctrinating you into their own craziness. I know it's attractive to want to own the woke libs who get so self righteous and grating that you just wanna take them down a peg, but seriously, don't join the right. Because at the end of the day, the REAL religious crazies are on the right. Yes, woke people are crazy, sometimes they get high on the smell of their own BS, yada yada, but trust me, you dont wanna join the right. Because they do crap like this.

if you want to be libertarian, then be libertarian. Be a third force against both sides of the crazy. That's what I am. I'm a bona fide enlightened centrist and i cant stand both sides. But at the end of the day, im still closer to the left. I recognize woke people sometimes have points, they just need to tone down the crazy themselves.

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