Friday, February 17, 2023

So is JK Rowling an actual bigot?

 So, a few months ago I covered the Hogwarts Legacy thing when r/gamingcirlejerk decided to go full IF YOU BUY THIS GAME YOURE A TRANSPHOBE AND BLAH BLAH BLAH. And I ended up having, what I thought at the time, was a fairly even handed take on the situation. An initial look at her statements seemed to convince me that she wasn't anti trans rights, as much as she just didn't think trans women were real women and didn't belong in her little feminist club. Which many SJWs take offense to, as they refuse to have their little doctrines challenged, but didn't seem an entirely unreasonable or "transphobic" take to me. I mean i think there's a valid philosophical debate over whether trans women should be considered "real" women, and while I don't necessarily agree with Rowlings' position as it comes from one of those weird "feminist" places and I think all identity politics is basically cancer, including both sides of this specific debate. So I was happy just to try to contextualize her comments and leave it at that.

But today, the Humanist Report dug a bit deeper into some of the stuff she said, and I'd like to analyze this stuff a bit more. A lot of her stuff just happens to be "OMG SHE LIKES AND RETWEETS THE WRONG PEOPLE", but then it looks like she's also advocating against trans rights and stuff at times, and seems obsessed with it? Like, I know I post about SJWs a lot. It's hard not to in 2023, when that ideology has gained such an ascendancy in the United States, and how its grip on social media threatens to force out any ideology that's not it. But I'm not really obsessed with it. As I stated, my actual position is "trans people should be free to live as they want", and while I don't always do the proper virtue signalling related to the subject, and my views are also a bit more nuanced on this topic, I'm ultimately affirmative of their rights, even if I'm not an obsessive circlejerker. But Rowling does seem to be a little more hateful here, and seems to be going down an alt right rabbit hole here. 

So yeah, screw her. It's one thing to have a philosophical opinion on the subject that goes against the circlejerk, it's another thing to actually advocate AGAINST trans rights. I do think there are some debates on the subject in nuance where you can debate whether trans people should, for example, be allowed to play in sports of their preferred gender, as there may be some inherent biases granted by being born the other gender that are not mitigated by transitioning, but generally speaking, where their behaviors do not negatively impact others, they should be allowed to live their own lives as they want, without interference. 

Sadly, I feel like this transformation on her part could have been largely avoided if SJWs weren't so freaking toxic to her. Like, I don't think they realize that they literally streisand effect the alt right and their views. By being so obnoxiously toxic, they drive people into rabbit holes where they become the very thing these guys are trying to prevent. When you try your best to remove normies with somewhat controversials from common spaces, and you try to actively punish them for having views that go against your dogma, what happens? Well, those people find new spaces to occupy, and they're full of the same people the SJW left hates in the first place. What do you think happens to those people over time? They become alt right themselves.

Rowling did initially, at least, seem to have views which were a bit more "TERFy". As in, not against trans people, but simply didn't believe that trans people were part of her little club. But when you go after her and make her the center of controversy and try to make her life possibly simply for expressing an opinion, what happens? people double down in their existing views, and become more extreme. No one, in response to the SJW left, who isnt already a member of said left, says "gee im sorry i guess i never thought of it that way, I guess I'll change my mind." Instead they go "F these guys for censoring me" and become louder, more shrill, and double down on their views, even if it causes them to become more toxic and extreme in the process.

If we want to deradicalize America, and since Rowling is British, the internet, we need to back off of this crap. The SJWs need to take a chill pill and come back down to earth, and they need to stop giving the alt right the ammo that allows them to recruit for their cause. The left needs to fight culture wars defensively, with their most "offensive" stance being that "people should be allowed to live as they want, F the haters." Instead they become their own weirdo brand of authoritarian, and go about dealing with these issues in the worst way possible.

Been saying it for years. it's trevor's axiom. This is how trump was elected, and this is how this crap has gotten so toxic. Don't say i didn't warn you. I've been calling this crap out since 2016.

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