Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Reacting to the republican response of the SOTU

 Sarah Huckabee Sanders did the response to Biden's state of the union, and it sucked worse than Bidens' state of the union. It's a lot of weird meandering stories into her personal life like having cancer and her overseas expeditions with Trump and weird virtue signalling about overcoming challenges and talking about how soldiers have a harder job than she does and yeah, just nonsense virtue signalling.

On policy, she went full force against biden. On some things she made legit points, inflation is still up, people are still hurting, but other than that these guys are showing what an alternate reality they live in from the rest of us. Going on about the woke radical left controlling everything and how we don't know what a woman is and leaning hard into anti wokeism and out right transphobia. THey go on about how they care about freedom while the left cares about government control, which is rich given im a literal social libertarian who sees the right as crazy authoritarian and the left as milquetoast.

And yeah. The right sucks. We really need to do better than this joke of a two party system. We need a UBI, we need universal healthcare, free college, student loan forgiveness, climate change legislation, and a housing program. We need to fix the real issues that impact every day americans, not just circlejerk about jobs or scream about how radical the other side is while they themselves are the radicals.

I'll say it again, Biden, milquetoast, 5/10. SH Sanders, completely in her own little world, 1/10.

That's the state of politics today. It's a joke. We need to do better.

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