Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Reacting to liberals' low standards on the SOTU

 Eh, I gave my thoughts on the SOTU without really reading anything online. After I wrote my previous article, I decided to look online.

Basically, it's similar to my opinion in the sense that the best moment was Biden defending social security and medicare, but freaking low are peoples' standards that this is the big zinger of the night? This is bare minimum. "Gee, im not gonna let the GOP undermine FDR's legacy and screw seniors", yeah, that's like, the bare minimum. 

Honestly, I just don't understand why people are so excited about that. I mean, yeah its a good idea, we should defend social security and medicare. But as the UBI+UHC guy, it's like...gee, defending income and healthcare for some from the comically evil political opposition is like the bare minimum. 

Honestly, I would rather talk about how freaking depraved the GOP is for wanting to do that. Seriously, they're going full on evil with this. They push as extreme as they can to get what they want, but then the other side pushes back mildly.

Like, I was thinking of writing something about this before the SOTU, but I watched some videos about Mike Pence wanting to cut social security and medicare and unless they're giving us a UBI of at least the poverty line and universal healthcare for all in their place, they can screw off. No one should ever accept that. The modern GOP is depraved, and the second we've let things get this bad in this country where the GOP is as extreme as they are and the dems are as milquetoast as they are is a massive generational failure of both parties. We are NOT in a good place. Our society is screwed. One side is comically evil, and the other is the absolute bare freaking minimum. I hate this crap. We need to do better.

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