Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Not going to lie, but Bernie is a moderate compared to the modern left

 So, I'm seeing a lot of the far left turning on Bernie over the Palestine issue, and I know that I've discussed this somewhat before, but I'm going to be honest, the left has gotten so extreme in the past few years that Bernie is a freaking moderate compared to these people.

I mean, all bernie really said was he wasnt sure we could negotiate with hamas over a cease fire. And the left is ripping him over it...for not being for a cease fire. Bernie is right. Keep in mind where I was before October 7th on this issue and where I am now. Why the "rightward" shift? because I recognize Hamas is a radical terrorist group with genocidal intentions that can't be negotiated with. They've said they'll keep doing this again and again until Israel is gone. Bernie is RIGHT, and he's getting crap for it. 

And you know what? it's not even just this. I discussed last night about how a lot of positions held by the modern left werent in Bernie's 2016 platform. Remember when Bernie wasn't woke enough? How he didnt get black people? How his supporters were sexist white males who hated Hillary? Yeah. While a lot of leftists are woke, this crap was fringe until Hillary weaponized this and used it as a cudgel to bully people into supporting her candidacy. And then starting in 2017, we started seeing the same blue no matter who voters basically setting cars on fire and smashing storefronts while saying "not my president" when Trump was inaugerated. We had all this antifa crap. And now social justice stuff is basically running rampant and costing us voters. Bernie wasn't for this in 2016. He just wanted to give people a $15 minimum wage, healthcare, and student debt forgiveness.

And look at how Bernie was in his book "it's okay to be angry about capitalism", despite the title, he was basically praising the Biden administration for trying to implement parts of his agenda and strongly backed Biden. I admit, I can be a purity testy MFer on my top priorities, and I didn't back Clinton or Biden in 2016/2020, but even I have limits. And I'M a moderate compared to these people. I literally am a moderate compared to the modern left. And back in 2016 I was further left than most democrats. Heck, with my UBI ambitions I mightve been considered left of Bernie. Even yang in 2020 noted the same thing, he considered himself to be left of bernie due to UBI because not even he would touch that and he got attacked for being a right winger. And so am I. I mean, the progressive movement considers me a traitor at this point too. Simply for having a different set of priorities than them. I also support expansive safety nets, but because I allocate funds differently and support different programs, they call me a sell out and a moderate and I've even been called a republican. 

The reason I bring this up, is because, once again, I feel like the left has gone insane and become a mockery of themselves. This pro palestine crap goes too far. This social justice stuff goes too far. And even the economic purity testing is getting old, and some people are gonna disagree with you. Learn to deal with it. 

The fact is, in 2016, Bernie could've brought in this massive coalition of voters. And not just lefties, but liberals and even independents and some conservatives. He didn't moralize, he didn't judge people, he just wanted to pass good things. His ideas were good for America. They benefitted people. And I know in 2020 he asked if people in his movement would fight for other people, but I dont think that moralizing works. THe modern left has gotten away from "left wing ideas benefit you more than right wing ideas" and toward moralizing and shaming people for voting in their self interests, and that's a losing strategy. Everything the left is doing right now reminds me of that weird strawman of the left rush limbaugh used to talk about with "feminazis" and the anti war left "hating america" and the left wanting "communism" and yeah, I'm seeing that. Do these people not understand that this stuff is incredibly unpopular? Sure, I understand the centrist dems use the electability argument for them as a cudgel, they do, and it's not right. Bernie's ideas were not only feasible, but I believe in 2016 at least Bernie would've beaten trump whereas hillary did not. In 2020, I believe he still could've beaten trump, but he would've lost a couple states Biden won (GA and AZ), while possibly running up margins in the rust belt. But this modern left is a joke. They're gonna lose normies. I dont think people understand how this stuff comes off to normies. It's alienating. I voted for bernie in 2016, i liked bernie and yang in 2020, and here we are, and Im starting to think the modern left isnt electable. A lot of it has to do with the smarmy self righteous moralizing and getting in peoples faces and screaming at them. But a lot of it is just people going too far. I know I said back in the day i wish the left had its own tea party movement, but if this is it, then even I'm a DINO and i want no part of this. 

I just felt like I had to say it, after seeing Bernie being attacked for his positions on Israel/Palestine. And Fetterman too. And every progressive outside of the most extreme progressives like Rashida Tlaib, who is going off going "free palestine" and getting censured by congress (btw, on that, I dont think that she deserved that, but I do have to admit I watch her and I cringe, and I dont support her). And I'm sorry, it's a joke. Tlaib says America isn't with Biden. I say that America isn't with Tlaib. When people are anti intervention in this conflict, a lot of them are just isolationists, they dont support palestine. I think only the far left supports palestine, and it's cringe. This is how you commit political suicide, don't do it. 

And yeah, that's all I have to say.

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