Saturday, November 11, 2023

Reflecting more on RFK and where he is as a candidate

 So, I spent some more time thinking about RFK in general, and ultimately, this is how I think about it.

If you're on the left, i dont see the appeal. His views are moderate. Even more moderate than Biden. He supports a $15 minimum wage and unions, but so does Biden. And Biden supports public option healthcare, the child tax credit, build back better, and some student debt forgiveness and free community college. And Biden has out trump trumped on the economy and bringing factory jobs back. RFK might have a populist flair, but Biden is just a better candidate. Same with social issues. RFK seems okay on immigration and the like, but what's wrong with Biden's policy? And Biden supports abortion rights, LGBTQ+ rights, etc. So, i dont get it. Sure, RFK has the "anti military industrial complex" foreign policy, but that's not actually a flex. Maybe some populist leftists like it, but I dont see the appeal.

I just dont see the appeal of this guy. Biden is more progressive than this guy. And candidates like Williamson, West, and Stein, doubly so. So if you're a leftie, I dont get the appeal.

If you're on the right though, I do think he's a massive improvement though. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, Donald Trump is a FRAUD. All he offers is the same old trickle down economics in a more nationalistic package. He has no real solutions for America or its economic problems. And even worse, the dude has evolved to be a straight up authoritarian who has an open hostility toward our democracy. he is dangerous, and should not be elected again. RFK ain't perfect, but his ideas would help a lot of people. And I would easily prefer him to Trump. 

So if you're a conservative or a Trumper or a conservative and you're leaning toward RFK, I'll say: good. I'm glad you're not completely lost to the Trump cult. If you're, however, a leftie, I would advise you to look elsewhere. Biden is actually better here, and a leftie is probably better still. That's where I stand on RFK these days. I don't think his supporters are full on crazy any more (although some are), given the dude has actual substantive policy positions, some of which are worth supporting. But...he's not my cup of tea. I'll prefer Biden, or a more left wing candidate over him.

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