Thursday, September 12, 2024

Dear Pennsylvanians/swing state voters: get your ###es out there to vote!

 So, sorry for the rude wake up call, but I was just having a discussion with some fellow Pennsylvanians, and my god some people are so stupid and apathetic.

Yes, this really is the most important election of our lifetimes so far. Democracy itself is on the line. Donald Trump talks about being a dictator, overthrowing the constitution. he claimed 2020's results were rigged and tried to overthrow them via inciting an insurrection. It failed because the right people were in the right places at the right time, but if Trump tried again, he could succeed. Which is why even I have to say that yeah, we shouldnt let him win. We gotta lock him out.

And yes, pennsylvania is the most important state. Mathematically, it's the most likely tipping point state in most predictions and it's currently literally at 50-50. This whole election will likely be decided by a handful of votes in a handful of states. Which is why we need every available voter who isnt in the trump cult out there voting for Harris. It's not hyperbole to say that the fate of the country is on the line here. I know we hear every 4 years that this is the most important election of our lifetime, but this is the one time it's actually true. Trump CANNOT win again, or we might lose American democracy in general. And before people think that oh well it cant happen because checks and balances, you havent been paying attention. The Supreme Court recently gave the president broad immunity powers from prosecution. And a republican congress (which is a real statistical possibility) would likely enable him. It's really bad for us to let Trump win again. The GOP must be repudiated and stopped now. Nothing else matters if we lose democracy itself. Im serious. Take it from a third party voter who ignored all the propaganda in 2016 and 2020 on this matter and voted green. 

If you live in the following 7 states, the fate of the country will be decided by you. Yes, PA is arguably the most important as it is the largest of the 7 and is also consistently among the most contested, but all 7 matter and all 7 can tip the election one way or another:






North Carolina


We need to win at least 3 of these states (in the best case scenario), possibly 4 (without Pennsylvania) and maybe even 5 if we only win the smallest of the 7 (WI/MI/NV/AZ+one more). 

So make sure you're registered, and make sure you vote. It really does matter. 

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