Saturday, September 14, 2024

Reacting briefly to Crimethinc's "Work"

 So I summed it up yesterday but I finished it. It's cringey. But explains the mindsets weirdo leftists often have. They argue capitalism is like a literal foreign occupation oppressing us. They have some points, I'm fairly critical of capitalism myself, but as one can tell reading the previous article, I think the arguments for and against capitalism both have points, and I tend to end up on the pro capitalist side, while also recognizing capitalism as its practiced is oppressive and enslaves us. This guy (or girl) thinks that we'd be better off back in the jungles and that society is unnecessary or a mistake. It's kind of an insane stance to take. I mean, I've read widerquist, I know that modern society is kind of oppressive, but let's face it, the prehistory of civilization wasnt a cake walk either. I'd say the net benefits of society are worth it, even if it doesnt make everyone happy or fulfill the lockean proviso (make EVERYONE better off than in a state of nature, which, when one thinks about it, is an insane stance to take, if even one person is failed by modern society, then the proviso isn't fulfilled). And as I said, I think that the problem with capitalism isnt really a problem with capitalism, but a problem of all civilization. So to me, capitalism is just the least of all evils, and the real question is what kind of capitalism we want to practice. 

Of course, this person is obsessed with being the resistance. Everything is bad, everything is evil, there can be no redeeming qualities of capitalism or another narrative that frames it in a good light or tries to justify it (I'm more even handed in my criticisms). And yeah, toward the end of the book, the person starts getting subversive and seems to start arguing for...stealing from one's work place to pay for college. I mean, this is the problem with leftists. They literally come to the table believing the system is evil and progress cant be made from reform, so they just wanna break everything and sabotage the system and be criminals instead. It's the same logic of the free palestine weirdos. Dont try to engage with electoralism or anything. Let's just scream over people and occupy buildings because we'll never get anywhere by voting or protesting peacefully. I mean, they're psychos. Extremist psychos. This is why i could never be a leftist. I do believe in liberal democracy and civil society and reform. Even if I hate capitalism in its current form and have some left leaning beliefs doesnt mean that i want to just tear down the entire system and return to monke. Leftists are insane sometimes. 

To end on a positive note, I guess the criticisms of capitalism and everyone's roles in it make you think (the student loan thing particularly hit home for me, as someone who was pressured in my youth to go to college to get a good job and avoid being on the crap side of the system), but cant take stuff like this too seriously. The person takes their views to the most extreme stance possible and ends up advocating for doing illegal crap to resist the system. It's kind of insane. I'd prefer a more moderate and reformist approach. 

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