Friday, September 20, 2024

Election Update 9/20/24

 So, just a really brief election update. I'll return to my normal format next week. 

Basically, the big shift is that the rust belt is getting a bit bluer and the sun belt a bit redder. Otherwise, not a lot has changed. We're seeing mostly small fluctuations, although a massive dump of polls yesterday really pushed the entire race more in Harris' direction. Still, at a 60% chance for Harris, the race is still a de facto toss up for me. Who knows if this movement will even hold, given the trajectory.

Yeah. Lots of small fluctuations for weeks. Things are moving in a pro Harris direction NOW but who knows what things will look like next week or the week after. The trend could continue or 50-50 is the new normal. I suspect the latter.

As for the senate, yeah, not much has changed in net, mostly small shifts in the margin.

GOP still holds an 86% chance of winning the senate here. 49-51R.

And yeah, that's all I'll post this time. Don't have a ton of time to post right now and do maps and fancy formatting, so, it is what it is. Again, I'll hopefully return to my more normal format next week. 

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