Tuesday, September 10, 2024

That debate was a dumpster fire

 So..yeah. Let's not mince words. Harris won decisively. She was quick on her feet, prepared, and very quick to go after Trump. Trump looked tired, he was unprepared, he just treated it like a stump speech, and he was acting like a 5 year old. It was pathetic. I thought biden won the first debate, but that was a bit of a pyhrric victory, he won but at what cost? He didnt come off well and debates are won by charisma. Harris had the charisma and the energy, AND the substance. Trump was just a rambling incoherent mess. 

Rating wise: 


Charisma- 0

Substance- 0

Total- 0/10


Charisma- 5

Substance- 4

Total- 9/10

Yes, it literally was that one sided. Harris dominated him. It wasn't even close. 

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