Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Facts don't care about your feelings: a message for the SJWs regarding the Till Lindemann situation

 I know, I know, cliche saying, and it makes me sound like freaking Ben Shapiro, but given the hostile reaction I've seen from various subreddits toward Rammstein/Till Lindemann supporters today, it needs to be said. 

Because here's the thing. There is no evidence that Till lindemann committed any crimes. And people are going to have to deal with that.

The fact is, the original accuser's story always was shaky, and I've been highly skeptical of it since around...day 5 of this whole incident. For the first 3 days i tentantively believed her because I do believe in taking sexual assault allegations seriously, but after the cracks in her story started to form, I very quickly realized this was a nothingburger and stated that I would leave it to the courts. When the media and social media are promoting a crapstorm of unsubstantiated rumors, it can be hard to know what the truth is. In cases like that, institutions with a duty to the truth and the ability to sift through facts and allegations to a more accurate degree than average people reading about this through the news are going to be more accurate. And sometimes, media and social media are WRONG. Remember the Kyle Rittenhouse thing? I know a lot of lefties will still act like he was guilty, and I'm quite frankly still salty about how far off the left was on that situation and how Rittenhouse's actions were bona fide self defense.

The same applies here. Except to a greater degree. I don't have to LIKE kyle rittenhouse, like I like Till Lindemann, but I respect his innocence in the eyes of the law. With Till, not only do I accept this verdict, I honestly dont believe he did anything wrong, and I will continue to appreciate his art. And they investigated a lot of stuff outside of the original allegations, including that 15 year old story. You would think if that happened they would have reasonable evidence for it, but instead it was just some random anonymous BS like the rest with no evidential backing.

But...despite the complete and utter lack of evidence supporting criminal wrongdoing by Till Lindemann, people are still acting like he's guilty. Because these people don't believe in the justice system. They recognize its high standards and the need to prove innocence beyond a reasonable doubt fail to provide convictions, so they believe in reflexively believing all women, and in mob justice against the accused in the form of cancel culture, suppression of alternate viewpoints, etc. 

And a lot of them have been out in full force today acting like Rammstein supporters are fanatics who are in a cult, meanwhile, these guys don't see the irony of just believing stuff without evidence. Like really, I'm an ex christian and an ex atheist. As an ex christian, I know what cult like behavior is. Christianity IS that, to some degree. And social justice ideology is just a weird form of that on the left. And those guys dont like to hear the truth, they dont like to hear anything that questions their narrative, and when they step outside of their social justice bubble and see what actual uncensored dialogue looks like, they think everyone else is in a cult. No, it's you. It's always been you. Because if one side of the issue is literally just following the evidence, and the other side is just automatically "believing all women" and daring to censor anyone who speaks the truth on the issue, then guess what, if you're on the latter side, YOU ARE IN THE CULT. 

I get why social justice people think like this. Like many aspects of social justice ideology, it comes from a good place. Sexual abuse is common, victims are afraid to speak out, and it is good to give them the benefit of the doubt. But that does not mean you should shut your eyes to any conflicting evidence, or beleive one is guilty without evidence, or engage in mob justice, or silence anyone who dares disagree with you. Like always, social justice people might have good intentions to start out with, but at the end of the day, they become authoritarian and intolerant of anyone else's views.

And this being my blog, I'm just going to say it. TILL LINDEMANN IS INNOCENT, THE COURT HAS SPOKEN, AND FACTS DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS. You can silence me and others on your subreddits, but you will NEVER have a monopoly on the truth, and in the long term, you turn people against your cause. 

Seriously, anyone who has been following this blog for a while knows that my tone has shifted on SJWs significantly since it started. At first I was critical of them, but focused on their good intentions and tried to make nice with them, but between this and all of the other abuse I've put up with from them over the years, I'm just done. Facts are facts, they might not make you feel good or are convenient for your circlejerk, but they are what they are.

And I know that some have shifted to say that regardless of the legal outcome, they still don't approve of till and his behavior. That's fair, but much like the religious right, I dont care what your morals are, and you guys have no right to impose your morals on the rest of society. Till Lindemann is no angel, he has even admitted he doesn't wanna be one (lyrically speaking). Yes yes, he bangs groupies, including people a third of his age, but you know what? If you don't like the guy, don't listen to his music. What can I say? You don't have to like him. I only have an issue with people try to stop other people who actually do enjoy his art from enjoying it.

That's the thing about freedom. You dont HAVE to like him, or anyone. And likewise, I dont have to like you. I believe we all have a right to our opinion, and the right to do what we want unless we substantively harm others, and a duty to stay out of other peoples' ways. And going off of that note, if you don't like it, then don't read it. What can I say?

But yes. This was a great victory for the band. I feel like Till has been legally exonerated here, and I expect the issue to eventually die off, with only weirdo social justice types still holding a grudge against the guy. And you know what? Screw them. Let them stay mad. I'm still enjoying Rammstein. 

Hopefully this will be the last time I have to raise this issue on this blog, but if i get more info and I feel a post is relevant, I will post it.

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