Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Heck, lets go further, the world has gone to crap since 2016

 You know, I never thought I'd say this, but I miss the 2000s. it was a simpler time. Once upon a time, I thought the world went to crap in 2001, that 9/11 forever ended the 90s and the simpler time that was, and to some extent, yes, as a millennial, i am your standard nostalgic 90s kid who misses the 90s too. BUT....lets face is, I'm a 90s KID, but a 2000s TEENAGER/ADULT. 

Heck, I'll go further, society peaked in the early/mid 2010s. Don't get me wrong, things werent perfect. My politics are a reflection of that. You think I developed human centered capitalism because the times were great? hell no. The recession has convinced me that capitalism as it exists is broken and need significant reform that we havent seen since the new deal to fix. And I advocate for those solutions right here on that blog.

But let's put aside economics for now and focus on culture, attitudes, the general vibe of things. The world has been a complete and utter crapshow since 2016. It's like the year that everything changed. It was basically a realigning political year, and because HRC and Trump were both turds, we realigned on the worst sociopolitical axis possible. 

Now we got this weird SJW-alt right continuum where the primary culture wars are between left wing extremists who want to cancel anyone they disagree with out of existence, and people who are looking more and more like LITERAL NAZIS. Neither side is liberal any more, neither respects rule of law, and everyone is so obsessed with identity politics and nonsense that shouldnt matter at all. 

Both sides are literally illiberal. They dont respect liberal democracy. One of them wants to literally overturn elections and make orange man dictator for life, the other wants to replace trial by law with trial by mob and social media.

The right has never been great, but people are actually becoming nostalgic over the bush era, and losers like mccain and romney. That's how bad we've gotten. We actually MISS thhose guys and call them "liberal republicans" because at least they had some sanity and integrity. 

Culturally, the primary divide used to be between fundamentalist christianity and liberals just wanted people to live as they wanted without having religion shoved down our throats. Now the SJWs are reminding me of the religious right with their weird moral puritanism and desire to control peoples' behavior.

We used to have a free and open internet with minimal censorship. Now people gotta get you banned for saying anything that might offend someone and act like they're a "mature adult^TM" for thinking free speech on the internet is for immature people who never grew up. 

It used to be possible to be for social progress without wanting to censor people who agree with you.

The economic left used to be like, we dont actually want socialism, we just want universal healthcare, decent wages, and maybe a UBI bruh! Now im getting banned off of forums for daring to not be a LITERAL FRICKING COMMUNIST. 

And of course, the craplibs are just as useless as ever, that's the one thing that did need to change, but now because those guys have refused to move at all and people realize how corrupt things are, people just wanna throw out the whole system and that's scary.

To go back to speech and liberalism, we used to actually have debates on the internet. We never agreed, we often werent civil, but at the end of the day we respected each other enough to recognize that people had a riight to their way of thinking no matter how stupid it is, and that we wouldnt try to interfere with that. 

Honestly, all things consider, I really do miss the late 2000s and early-mid 2010s. I really think society, socially speaking, peaked during the obama era, and it's all been downhill from there. The right was being defeated, they were losing, and the left werent taken over by idiotic SJWs. Life was better. We could have gay rights AND still not want to cancel people. 

There was a lot wrong with that era, as theres a lot wrong with every era. Im not trying to go more rose colored glasses than necessary here. BUT...I really do think society has declined since 2016. We havent achieved the gains we needed to make, and we've regressed in so many more ways. Were relitigating rights that were settled years and decades ago, the left is nuts, the right is nuts, the center is boring. The world is on fire from climate change, yet no one really cares. Because this stupid alt right-SJW continuum is poisoning everything.

And yeah, that's my rant for the night, thank you for coming to my ted talk. 

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