Friday, August 4, 2023

Why I don't consider myself a feminist

 So, I got a comment today when I bashed feminism that I shouldn't do that since it makes me look like an incel. Now, I see this as a bad faith argument, and I felt like I should better explain my perspective again.

No, I'm not an incel. I mean, I technically am "involuntarily celibate", but I dont consider myself a member of the incel community. Because those guys are toxic AF. Inceldom is, IMO, a state of mind, and a really crappy one. One that becomes bitter toward women, and hates them, and wants to control them. Ya know, like some of the more cray cray Rammstein songs. I'm not that. I dont hate women, I don't resent women. I see women as people. I have friends who are women. And yeah. I kind of find that to be nonsense.

As I said, I hate the whole alt right and SJW continuum. Both groups are so toxic and hate each other horseshoe theory style. And quite frankly, I dont associate with any "manosphere" group, and even got banned from a "left wing male advocates" group for saying that they were just the opposite coin from the feminists (that and the mod was a power tripping jerk, and I dont exactly take those types well given my own anti authoritarian mindset). 

And honestly? That, right there, is why I don't associate with feminism either. Because feminism and MRA groups are two opposite sides of the same coin, and I'm not on the coin. One group advocates for causes for men and seems to hate women, the other advocates for causes for women and seems to hate men. And yes, after the Rammstein situation, I'm fully comfortable in saying modern feminism hates men.

This isn't to say feminism hasn't done good things in the past. Obviously the earlier waves of feminism were generally a lot more positive for me than the later waves. But identity based advocacy groups just seem to be breeding grounds for hate and toxicity in general, so I dont associate with them.

By some standards, you could even call me a feminism, I've taken feminism related political tests and I come out very strongly as a "liberal feminist". of course, liberal feminism is the most moderate and old school of feminism, and radfems largely seem to run the movement these days. That and marxist feminists. And those guys are NUTS. 

Also, TERFs. Another form of feminism I dont like, and it seems everyone doesn't like but themselves. I know I've somewhat defended JK Rowling from cancel culture, but I dont like those guys either. And having debated a couple TERFs during this rammstein incident as well, yikes, those guys dont seem to shut up about their hatred of trans people. It's like they tend to combine the obnoxiousness of being a feminist, with the obnoxiousness of being a transphobe.I really don't know why we can't all just get along.

So honestly, in the spirit of not wanting to hate or show favoritism toward any group based on identity, i reject the entire spectrum of politics. Of course I support equal rights, that's like a duh to me. And of course I reject literal incels, who are themselves a hate group. I really don't know why this is even an accusation. SJWs like to act like anyone who actively dislikes them and their ideology is somehow a member of the opposite extreme, when no, I'm just a radical centrist on these issues who wishes everyone would just STFU and live their own lives in peace without harassing or bothering others. 

And yeah, that's why I dont call myself a feminist, and crap on modern feminism. It's just part of my general anti identity politics perspective. I don't associate with the other extreme, I hate the other extreme. I just wish everyone would just drop this entire cursed spectrum of politics. 

I prefer to call myself an "egalitarian" or "equalist" (the latter of which I called myself when I was more conservative, I was never actually conservative on women's rights, just moderate and liberal with a strong disdain for the radfems...I'm back to that again).

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