Thursday, August 17, 2023

The Maui thing is why we need basic income

 So, as we know, Maui had a natural disaster, fires burned down peoples' homes, and Biden wants to give those people a whopping $700 for their trouble. I swear this man is just one step up from hurling paper towels into the crowd. It's pathetic.

Anyway, Scott Santens is pushing for $700 a month for the next year per individual. And that's better. He's a UBI advocate as we all know. He's using this to push for UBI, and that"s far more effective. 

But, I'm once again going to plug for full on UBI. $1250 a month per adult, $450 per child. Every citizen in the country. If you lose your job, you're taken care of. If you lose your house, you're taking care of. Cat 5 hurricane demolishes your entire community? Everyone is taken care of. Just pack up and move, live on the UBI, and get your crap together. If a disease comes and shuts down the entire country like COVID did, boom, automatically taken care of. many of these issues would be solved if we just had a UBI. We wouldnt have to hee and haw about aid, and how much, and who gets it, and how its administered and blah blah blah. Nah, UBI is the aid, here's your money, go go go. Get your life back together. And if you screw up somehow, well, there's always next month. 

UBI is the ultimate financial security. It's basically social security, but for everyone. And then people pick themselves up by their bootstraps from there. Find a new place to live, find a new job (if you want/need one), etc etc etc.No need for bureaucracy, or middlemen. Just get the job done. Again, we could solve so many problems if we just gave people a UBI from the get go.

And let's face it, UBI is generous enough that it makes Biden's tiny aid package look as insulting as it is. Again, one step up from the toilet paper guy. Just my opinion.

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