Wednesday, August 30, 2023

So...Trump's court case is going to be during the primary...

 So, remember how I said I hope this is resolved by the end of 2023? Yeah no, not gonna happen, apparently we're gonna have the court case right around the time of super tuesday, one of the most pivotal days of the primary. Trump himself wanted it delayed until after the election, some time in 2026. Which is ridiculous. This guy is a threat to the country, and we need this resolved ASAP. The sooner the better, because let's face it, the republican voter base deserves better than to support orange man only for him to be found guilty and sent to prison. I want them to have a decent primary in which they can vote for who they want with all of the facts in.

And of course if the guy is gonna be disqualified, the sooner the case, the less damage to the election process. I know that the justice department really took their time with charging trump, but i think they did that to ensure that their work was the highest quality possible and that they crossed all the Ts and dotted all the Is. You dont wanna do it sloppy only to get it thrown out on a technicality. 

And of course, I would like him to be disqualified the sooner the better if it's gonna happen because i deserve better than another orange man vs biden election. I've warmed up to biden somewhat, but i still ain't a HUGE fan. As we can tell, there are significant ideological differences here, and while Im not sure I'll vote green this time even if I didn't have to worry about trump, as I differ from leftists too, I would like to have a choice that isn't just "vote Biden to avoid orange man." 

This is gonna be a complete crapshow, isn't it? Season 3 of this trump drama is just nuts, and the show should've been long canceled by now.

Well, it does prove my point that if we don't change the democratic party's culture, every election is just gonna be the lesser evil over and over again until someone has the balls to stand up to them. We did this in 2016, we did it in 2020, and now it's part 3 in 2024. 

I just wanna be done with this guy, man. I get that in 2016 he won because hillary was a turd and he didn't sound that bad to your casual low information voter, but this guy is a nutcase, and his supporters follow him around like he's a cult leader. And it's starting to get scary. I just want him to go away so we can move on with our lives.

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