Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Dear protesters, no one likes you, go away

 So this is gonna be a spicy one from me, but man, i'm sick and tired of these "leftists" man. A lot of them have this idea that the point of protests IS to be annoying, and to inconvenience people, and to make yourself heard, often in the most alienating and offputting ways possible. To leftists, this is the point. They have this view that power cedes nothing without force, so they need to do "direct action" to make their points.

I think that this view is cynical and self defeating. The reason the right wins is because they're better organized. They have more money. And they know how to exploit human psychology for better or for worse to twist people to their side.

The left does NONE of this. They have no institutions, they have no money, and I do admit the money in politics thing is a problem. But still they can organized without a ton of money, they don't. And they don't seem to understand most people at all. They're just blinded by self righteousness and are like I have a point to make, can't you see how moral I am? Youre a monster if you dont agree with me!

If that's literally your attitude, it's no wonder you lose. many of these people don't vote. They dont organize in a meaningful way to direct people to vote. They don't form traditional political advocacy groups. They don't mobilize voters. They don't lobby congress. They don't do anything that more successful groups try to do. And they're so doomer pilled that they see this as a waste and refuse to do anything but to get out there and hit the streets and scream over megaphones, and obstruct people, and basically throw a massive tantrum to make their point.

And this tantrum throwing is very offputting to a lot of Americans. If youre disrupting public events, and you're blocking traffic, and youre shutting down college campuses, yeah you're being noticed all right but you're literally alienating people. And in the long term, remember what I said about the silent majority. Eventually the right turned around, acting like this kind of leftist protesting is the norm among all of the left including more mainstream liberals, and we were in the dog house for decades.

I don't want to go back to the dog house. i dont wanna go back to the 1980s-2000s where being even a liberal was a dirty word, and all of us were confused with the most extreme leftists from the fricking 1960s who went into hiding after their methods backfired the last time. Seriously, the entire left suffers, because of the "vocal minority". They drive people to the right. They cause us to lose arguments. They cause no one to take more moderate and reasonable voices seriously, because we're conflated with the most vocal extremists.

It literally took an entire generation of right wing rule just to get away from that, and now the left is screwing it up. AGAIN. Thanks guys, thanks a lot. All because you guys have to make your point heard in the most offputting way possible, and when told to tone it down, you don't. You act like the whole point IS to annoy and inconvenience people until they give you what you want. And you know what? We're not gonna get ANYTHING if you act like this. You're ruining it for ALL of us. Screw you. No one likes you, go away. I'm fricking sick of leftist protest culture. It's just a toxic mess that not only does nothing but hurt the very causes they claim to care about. I'm sick of these people, man.

Edit: I want tto make clear that I'm not talking about ALL protesters here. I am mostly referring to a vocal minority of leftists who think the entire point of protests is to be annoying and disruptive. The same kinds of protesters who generally run afoul of first amendment protections in the first place. If you want to assemble peacefully, that's cool. I have no issues there. My complaint is specifically with leftist protest culture of being shrill, annoying,  and disruptive. Screw those people, they ruin it for all of us.

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