Saturday, May 18, 2024

Discussing the house floor cat fight between MTG and AOC

 So...there was very recently a spat on the house floor that Marjorie Taylor Greene basically started that turned into a rather ugly cat fight between MTG, AOC, and the person MTG insulted. John Fetterman jumped in to interject that this is basically worse than the Jerry Springer Show. I'll touch on this comment in a bit, as this has gotten some controversy, but yeah, first, my actual analysis.

So, MTG made some off color "fake eyelash" insult toward Jasmine Crockett, an African American congresswoman. AOC then got super self righteous and insisted her words be stricken from the record, which under pressure, MTG agreed to, but then AOC insisted she apologize, which MTG refused to do and egged on AOC. This caused MTG to not want her words stricken, at which point Jasmine Crockett called her a "beach blonde bad built butch body", which I kind of found hilarious. 

Anyway, to me, this is like, peak Trevor's Axiom. MTG makes crappy comment, AOC gets super self righteous about it and herself gets criticism, and yeah people just lost their minds over this.

MTG is, like she normally is, responsible. MTG is just a total piece of crap to me. She is such a toxic person. I'm surprised she isn't censured more often, and given that she's basically been harassing AOC since she got into office in 2021, I'm surprised there arent restraining orders filed. 

Still, AOC's reaction, given my trevor's axiom comment, DID go a bit above and beyond. I would be more likely just to let it go and expect it to her, but AOC was like HOLD UP, WE AINT MOVING ON UNTIL SHE APOLOGIZES AND HER WORDS ARE STRIKEN FROM THE RECORD. And idk, it just seemed a bit self righteous to me. And yeah, given the "oh girl baby girl" thing, it really did come off as like a cat fight, like you'd expect to see on...Jerry Springer. I'm not saying that AOC was in the wrong. As I'm trying to point out more recently, with things like this and the gaza protests, you can be morally in the right and still come off like a self righteous jerk. And AOC's behavior did cross that line for me. Sorry, not sorry. 

As for Ms. Crockett's response, now, THAT is more like how I'd handle it. Fighting fire with fire, not getting self righteous, but hurling insults back and then moving on. Of course, the point was to force them to basically strike BOTH of their words as both of their conduct was unbefitting of the office, but I found Jasmine's approach more in line with how I thought it should be handled. Self righteousness tends to turn me off, fighting fire with fire is where it's at.

And then I see people online like "gee was Jasmine Crockett wrong to call MTG a "beach blonde bad built butch body?"

No, given the circumstances and provocation from MTG it was totally warranted. And this is something I feel like a lot of people have lost in recent years, the ability to conduct a proper flame war without overreacting to things. We get more hyper fixated on the act of insulting, where we try to censor and shut down discussion, when the proper response is to just hurl an insult back and move on. Remember the old phrase "sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me?" Yeah. We need to go back to that.

Either way, MTG was the aggressor to the whole thing so Crockett firing back with an insult of her own was perfectly justified. I call that self defense. 

Ideally, I'd prefer we NOT hurl insults at all obviously. It is beneath of the office. But yeah, that's MTG for you. She's beneath the office herself, and I'm tired of pretending she isn't. I'd call her America's trashiest congressperson, but sadly she has competition from Lauren Boebert for that title.

Also, while we're on the topic of MTG's physical appearance, I just wanna remind everyone that she looks like a literal neanderthal. You're welcome.

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