Tuesday, May 21, 2024

So....discussing the "Reich" Trump ad...

 So, apparently Trump shared an ad posted to truth social that talked about Trump's win, and had a bunch of newspaper headlines referencing possible things that would happen under a second Trump presidency. Someone noticed one of the headlines involved the "creation of a unified Reich." Uh....yeah. What does that make you think of?

Apparently the wording came from a wikipedia article involving Germany during WWI, but when most people think of that word, they mean the third reich, aka, Hitler's reign in WWII. In the very best case scenario, this is in really bad taste. In the worst case scenario, someone is openly signalling a desire for Trump's presidency to mirror Germany's "third reich", given the obvious imagery of the words.

Now, in all fairness, Trump's campaign did not directly make this ad. Trump saw it on truth social and shared it, but someone else made it. Can it be said that the person who made it knew what they were doing when making this? Yes, yes they could. Here's the thing. Trump's voter base is made up of a lot of neo nazi types. Neo nazis can't openly just say they're nazis for the most part. Nazism has such a stigma in our society that calling oneself one is likely to lead to harassment, being "cancelled" or even assaulted by leftists. So what a lot of nazis do is they like to use code and symbols to kind of give off the fact that they're nazi if you know what to look for, but most people won't see it. You see this with them using certain tattoos, or certain numbers like "14/88", and stuff like that. It's kinda like the whole prison tattoo thing, ya know what I mean? Yeah. And sometimes this stuff comes out when people make certain art. I know not too long ago, some youtuber who was fairly highly respected was outed as a nazi because people started looking at some of his videos and noticed some of the nazi symbols popping up in his videos. And it was stuff like this reich thing. Like you'd freeze at a certain frame and see one of the above "14/88" references or something. Nazis are cheeky like that. They keep it subtle enough where it goes over most peoples' heads, but those who are nazis know what's up. 

My theory is whoever made the ad was a nazi or white supremacist. It may or may not have been intention on the part of the Trump administration. Maybe trump himself didn't even see it when he posted it. Still, it hasn't been the first time he's "unintentionally" shared extremist content like this, and Trump himself is somewhat known at this point for sending some signals to these guys himself. "Stand down and stand by" for example, or heck, the "fight like hell" stuff on January 6th. 

So, I don't know. However, I'm going to be honest. Trump has been flirting with outright fascism since he lost the 2020 election. We saw this with january 6th. Weve seen increasingly psychotic and authoritarian rhetoric coming from this guy, and I think we should be treating him as if he were literally Hitler.

Guys, seriously. We can't let this guy win again. Vote like democracy depends on it. Because it very well might. This guy is literally flirting with fascism at best, if he isn't outright dog whistling it. Don't screw around. Just vote for Biden. I know a lot of people aren't happy with the guy right now, but I mean, this is important. This might LITERALLY be the most consequential election of our lives, and that isn't hyperbole. I know the dems love to play that rhetoric up EVERY election, and even I ignored it in the previous ones. Because I knew they weren't. But this one very well COULD BE. Trump is far more dangerous than he was in 2016. In 2016, he was a buffoon populist who wanted to bring back factory jobs and whose biggest flaw seemed to be he was an egotistical loudmouth who didnt know what he was doing.

This time, assume he does know what he's doing, at least insofar as taking power goes, and that he's putting tons of thought into trying to abolish and overturn democracy and install himself as a dictator. January 6th was our beer hall putsch. Don't let this guy into power again. He's dangerous.

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