Friday, May 24, 2024

Some spiritual thoughts on the creation of this world, and why it exists

 So, the following is all ENTIRELY conjecture. I wanna make that clear. But, I do sometimes wonder why...this world exists, with all of its suffering, all of its pain, etc. I also wonder what the heck would convince us that coming here is actually a good idea. It seems kinda horrible, actually. 

My first thought about this came from the concept of a void NDE. Basically, when some people experience an NDE, or a near death experience, they end up in a dark void and are told that the world never existed, and this is all that ever was. The implication is that you're left for all eternity in an empty void. It sounds like a horrible fate, so boring, nothing ever existing, etc. 

Okay, so let's imagine when we die, that we are that being, and that WE are god. After all in my spiritual worldview, it follows more closely "new age" or "cosmic humanist" beliefs than anything religious. And in a sense, in this worldview, we are god. All of us are, collectively god. Everything comes from the same source, god. And in this worldview, god is called source, because he's the source of all.

So imagine we are god, and we're in this dark void, alone. And it's boring. So....mind numbingly boring. But say, we have omnipotent creative powers. And we can just...make things. We can make experiences. So...we make a heavenly realm where every possible luxury exists, and we live in this realm...forever. But this too grows boring. Because doing the same thing over and over again is boring. Keep in mind, we live forever. Literal eternity. After a while, everything grows stale. So...we make more of ourselves, and interact with them. And these other selves are basically us. We're all eternal souls, we all come from god, we all are god, but we're also individual. And then we start...idk, playing with ourselves. That's not intended to sound perverted mind you. Imagine god being like a 10 year old kid playing with army men toys here. 

Now imagine we start making more and more universes, that operate under different rules, and we experience them all. it's like playing a video game, or watching a movie. We do this for the sheer entertainment. We do it for the learning experiences, we might do it to challenge ourselves.

Imagine the worlds that we end up creating for ourselves in our universe. Fictional worlds. Some of them are nice and heavenly, but some of the more interesting ones are wrought with challenges. Some of them are places you wouldnt wanna live. Some of the most immersive worlds of fiction for me are stuff like fallout, where you experience living in a post apocalyptic nuclear wasteland, fighting off monsters, mutants, and raiders. Or, say, something like attack on titan, which is basically the israel/palestine conflict but on steroids. These arent worlds I'd wanna live in, but yet, I play in them knowing they're fiction.

Well, maybe our immortal souls treat places like earth the same way. When I read accounts of NDEs, or past life regressions, which sometimes lead to "between life" regressions, I hear that coming to earth is voluntary, and we often do it to challenge ourselves. Challenge ourselves...why, exactly? I don't know. I kinda find earth to be like a really crappy, boring, grindy video game and idk why anyone WOULD wanna come here, given how much suffering there is. I kinda feel like maybe it's like one of those hardcore video games that maybe for some reason i feel some nostalgia for and want to play, but then I do i realize i actually kinda hate the game, i feel the rules are unfair, it's too difficult and hardcore, why cant this be easier, etc.

But, maybe I chose to come here, simply out of boredom. Or maybe it really was some sort of mission to convince the humans to not work themselves to death. Who the heck knows. I have my own healthy skepticism and doubts of all of that, even if I do believe in SOMETHING at this point. 

But yeah. Maybe we created a place like this because some of these god souls are so bored out of their minds living in heavenly bliss that they feel like, idk, shaking it up once in a while. I know it's said coming to earth is a great privilege, and I know most sources seem to imply reincarnation is voluntary (although I personally have some doubts), but maybe people really do ask to experience this place, for all of its pain, as well as all of its pleasures. I don't know. Maybe it's like total recall where ahnold wants a vacation and then ends up going through the movie, which ended up being the same plot as his vacation. Maybe this really is an immersive virtual reality experience we choose to have. We forget that we are eternal for a while, we forget all that came before, and we just experience life from a new perspective. Maybe if capitalism exists in "heaven" people actually pay for the privilege of experiencing this. Maybe it is a luxury. Maybe there is a wait list to get in to this server, like anv MMO on a busy saturday night.

I don't really know. 

And maybe that's why the question of whether god exists, is actually so ambiguous. It's a theory of mine, that God doesn't want to reveal himself to the world. That this place is like a scientific experiment in a sense, and that revealing himself in a grandiose way similar to that in the Bible would actually ruin whatever experiment or experience this place is supposed to offer. Because it would influence our behavior. it would change how we act. it would change our expectations. I'm not saying this place IS necessarily "an experiment", but it might simply be a place where we forget our divinity a bit, experience what it's like to be mortal, and god revealing themselves would ruin the experience this place is supposed to offer us. And maybe that's why the god question is ambiguous. Settling the debate might ruin the immersion this world is supposed to offer. 

Again, ALL of this is conjecture. I mean, when discussing politics, I still stick to the realm of secular humanism and my new atheist perspective for a reason, and that reason is, we really don't know, there is no hard evidence for any of this, and for most, the secular perspective is probably the most valid conclusion to reach.

But....being spiritual to some extent at this point, it doesn't stop me from speculating.

But yeah, that's my theory on what this place is, why it exists, why God is nowhere to be found, and why it sucks so much. I kinda see it as an ultra immersive video game that souls might be attracted to just to experience something that isn't the mind numbing boringness that is eternity and the void. I imagine split his consciousness so he could have tons of friends to play with, and he created increasingly difficult and complex worlds to live in in order to experience things. And that seems to be why we're here, to experience things. We might have a soul path to help guide us toward the experiences our soul wants to experience this life, but yeah, we are still giving free will to live as we see fit within reason. 

Idk, it's weird. But all of these things are my speculation on this.

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