Friday, May 17, 2024

Summary of the last article

 So my apologies, I'm half asleep tonight and realize my previous article is a meandering mess. I want to spend this article summarizing my main takeaways from it.

1) The free palestine crowd is a laughably small minority who are likely (but not definitely) electorally irrelevant

2) most are leftists who likely never would've voted democrat anyway

3) Voter shaming is ineffective and just alienates people

4) The main cause of malaise about Biden is inflation

5) Liberals wishing to convince people to vote for Biden should probably ignore the free palestine leftists and focus on winning back normies on economic arguments, explaining the real causes of inflation and how Biden is not responsible for it.

And yeah, that's my advice on that. Too much effort is focused on voter shaming leftists when this isnt even effective. Just ignore them and let them scream into the void on gaza. Too much effort for too little return. Appeal to other voters instead. 

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