Monday, May 20, 2024

ICC puts out arrest warrant for Bibi Netanyahu


 So it finally happened. The international criminal court has decided to put out an arrest warrant for Bibi Netanyahu for his war crimes in gaza. Do I support the move? Yes. Do I think it has any teeth? No. Without someone to actually go to israel and arrest him, nothing is gonna happen. So this is a virtue signal. Some have pointed out this will limit his travel out of the country because if he goes to a signatory nation of the ICC he will be arrested, but given Israel and the US are not participants in the ICC, don't expect anything to happen.

If you're wondering how the US is responding, Biden is basically calling it "outrageous." And you know what? I'm gonna come down against Biden here. No, it's justified. I've been following this for months. I've seen some pretty messed up stuff online about this, and yeah I believe Netanyahu is interested in the extermination of the Palestinian people. I've been calling this stuff out, and while if I HAD to choose a side in this conflict, I still would support Israel and understand where the US is coming from, from a geopolitical perspective, look, dude, Biden, you're wrong. Bibi is a war criminal, I think he SHOULD be arrested, and the government needs new leaders in its place who are more humanitarian. We shouldn't be enabling this stuff. 

This won't affect my vote for Biden, mind you, but that's my stance on this. I've kinda been drifting away from my support for Israel for months now in light of the war crimes, and feel justified in coming down against them. This doesnt mean palestine is better, if anything, they're worse, and their leaders are part of this arrest warrant too. So let's not say "hurr durr what about Hamas' leaders". Yeah no, we know. They're bad too. but good luck arresting them given Bibi is currently trying to burn the entire gaza strip to the ground to get at these guys in the first place.  

But yeah. I really do hope that Biden reconsiders his stance here. A lot of people in the US are pissed over this, and while I don't think the number of protest voters will be electorally significant over this issue, he should still distance himself from Israel for moral reasons, but yeah, also possibly political reasons too. This is a blight on his presidency, and one reason I slightly lowered his score in my purity test recently.

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