Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Apparently it’s sexist to support Jill Stein now (6/23/16)

I hate to keep sounding like a broken record and going on about feminism and sexism, but it seems the Hillary camp just won’t get it go. I came across this tweet on Reddit:
Kaivan Shroff@KaivanShroff
@marclamonthill supporting a non-viable candidate who happens to be female instead of the only woman w/ a chance to win can still be sexist.
Okay, really? It seems like the definition of sexism these days involves not liking Hillary Clinton. It doesn’t matter if you like other women, if you don’t like Hillary in particular, you’re sexist. Now vote for us like a good little democrat or else!

This is precisely WHY I’m so adamant about not voting for Hillary. If the Clinton camp ran a clean campaign, even if I didn’t get everything I want, I would likely support her in November. However, I won’t deal with this kind of bullying and browbeating.

If Clinton supporters want to consider me a sexist at this point, I’ll proudly embrace the label. It’s a badge of honor in this crappy campaign. Because I know my values. I’m all for women getting equality in our society, but you know, equal rights come with equal responsibility, and being equally opened up to criticism. And Hillary, your campaign sucks and is completely failing to win people over, because you seem more intent on pushing divisive tactics to bully people into line than actually appealing to your voters.
If not voting for you is sexist, then I don’t want to be not sexist at this point.

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