Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Dear presidential candidates: I don’t care what chromosomes or genitals you have (6/8/16)

The smugness of Hillary supporters who can’t go 5 seconds without playing the woman card is just getting to me. I just ran into this gem:
“I could be wrong but… No. Actually I could not be wrong. Sanders refusing to acknowledge the historical achievement of the first woman being the nominee of a major political party in the United States is the textbook definition of entitlement.”
I think I just had an aneurysm from the sheer stupidity. Look, we have very serious issues we are dealing with this election. We have to deal with the nature of our economy, and how fundamentally flawed our system is. We have to deal with healthcare and education. We have to deal with climate change. And we need a strong, FDR-esque ideological message to change the debate in this country, and usher in a liberal party realignment to make this happen. Our status quo is broken, the republicans are hostile to the idea of solving our problems, and the democrats simply ignore or downplay them. But hey, if Sanders doesn’t put all these issues aside and recognize that the democrats just nominated the first person ever to have a vagina to be their candidate, he’s “entitled.” As you know, I hate that word. I don’t even know what it means in this context. It just seems to be put there to shut Bernie up and tell him to fall in line, which is a huge reason I hate the word.

Look, I’m not opposed to a woman being president. It’s not a top priority of mine, but I’m cool with the concept. I really don’t care what sex my president is, as long as they do a good job. If they’re a man, that’s great. If they’re a woman, that’s great too. If they’re trans, who the heck cares, what I care about is whether my president fixes issues I want fixed. May the best person win, but may they win on their merits. I’m not gonna show favoritism or drop all of my top concerns in this election year just because the opponent is a woman, and it is totally not “entitled” or “sexist” or anything bad, to refuse to give up your fight until the convention. Hillary has a 99.9% chance of getting it at this point. I’m just gonna acknowledge that right here. Bernie lost big last night, and there are very few primaries left. The tide is not going to turn unless something major happens in the next month, like, say, being arrested for emails, or poll numbers dropping so significantly, that the supers see no choice but to replace her with Bernie. For all intents and purposes it is “over” in terms of Sanders being able to realistically win, but this does not mean he should give up in my opinion. He can still influence the convention and the party platform, and for all we know, some unforeseen circumstances could propel him to the presidency. Stranger things have happened.

Quite frankly, the only reason this is made into such a big thing, is to silence dissent. By focusing the discussion on things like gender and race, the larger issues are ignored in the background noise. It no longer matters that you care that the economy is screwed, it’s that you’re a sexist because you don’t like a clearly inferior candidate who happens to have a different gender than you. By focusing on sex and accusing you of sexism, they’re engaging in an ad hominem fallacy meant to make opponents of said candidate look like complete crap, and they’re taking you off point, not allowing you to focus on your narrative. A huge aspect of winning debates is framing. If you can continue to debate on your own grounds, focusing on your issues, you win. But if you let someone take you off point and attack your weaknesses there, they win. So this whole focus on sex is a diversionary tactic meant to take Bernie supporters off point and make them look like crap. It just is. The funniest thing is when the people who make statements like above act totally surprised when you accuse them of playing the woman card. Like, oh, you must be sexist if you accuse me of doing such a thing? Oh please, to paraphrase Marco Rubio, let’s dispel of this fiction that you don’t know what you’re doing. You know exactly what you’re doing. I’ve been bullied since elementary school, and this is some elementary school level crap intended to tease and bully people.

Anyway, this has been a problem all election season, and will likely continue to be a problem. You can’t dislike or disagree or refuse to acknowledge Hillary because if you do, you must be a sexist pig! Even if you’re a self described feminist or what have you. I’m not saying that there isn’t a lot of sexism out there. I’m not saying that there aren’t a lot of issues women have to deal with in the workplace. I’m not even saying that electing a woman isn’t a historical or good thing. It is, and I’m not opposed to the goals of, say, feminism, and even have a lot of respect for it. However, at the same time, I’m not gonna throw all my concerns about the biggest issues I care about to the wind or be bullied into supporting a candidate I genuinely don’t like because people try to spin people who don’t like them as sexist.

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