Friday, July 22, 2016

RNC Day 4/Conclusion

I really don't have much to say here but feel obligated to give my thoughts. I did not really see much new content tonight. I already dissected the meat of the republican convention and its ideas in my last three posts. Tonight was more or less a recap of all that. Trump is trying to be a law and order candidate, the world is scary, save us Trump! We need to make America work again, while somehow pushing trickle down economics and maybe some attacking of free trade agreements. Hillary Clinton is responsible for all the world's problems, blah blah blah.

Ivanka Trump's speech was the big one that stood out. I think I saw her push for affordable daycare for working moms. That's surprising coming out of the republican party. Good idea. We need to go further, but yeah, nice start.

And then there was Trump's speech, which was grandiose, and nice sounding, but touched on the themes I mentioned above. The world being scary, putting America to work again, Hillary being bad. Blah blah blah. It was a good speech, for once Donald Trump sounded very presidential and totally unlike his normal immature self. But ultimately I just disagree with his vision of the problems and the world. I don't think ISIS and illegals are the biggest threats. I think our problems with our economy stem from capitalism itself, which is a topic the republicans will never touch. And while I clearly am no fan of Hillary, I wouldn't go so far to blame her for all the world's problems. I dislike her because she's a member of the oligarchy and because she doesn't share my vision for America. The republicans are no better, and are actually worse in this respect.

I would say though, if I were younger and still conservative, I could buy into Trump right now. He was very powerful and charismatic, and I think the republicans tried to make a good case for why they're better than the democrats, and I fear it might actually be taken seriously. Older, more cynical me recognizes that they're full of crap, that it's the same old repackaged BS that doesn't work. But I think Trump is going to actually win over a lot of people this election. His campaign definitely has more energy than Hillary, and it's also far more mature than it was in the primaries. He's obviously been coached by the party and its advisors.

Honestly, the democrats should be scared in my opinion right now. They need a positive message, and they need it NOW. They don't have it. All they have is fear and threats, as I've addressed many times on here. And honestly, that's not going to win elections. If they can't win me over, and I'm a hardcore liberal, they have serious issues.

Then again I might be proven wrong. I'll need to see next week.

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