Saturday, July 23, 2016

On Tim Kaine

So Hillary Clinton chose Tim Kaine as her vice presidential nominee. A lot of people are upset about this and consider it a screw you to progressives. In a way it is, but honestly, at this point the Clinton campaign wouldn't even be able to repair the damage they've done to themselves if they made Sanders their nominee if you ask me.
In a lot of ways, Kaine is a moderate. He's a lot like Mike Pence. The epitome of his party's establishment, without being overbearing about it. I see him as a dry and boring choice. He doesn't bring much to the ticket, but doesn't take away either. Since the way I see it, the democrats have already lost the progressive movement, they don't have much else to lose here. Yes, he's pro TPP. Yes, he's anti abortion in his personal views but not in his legal views. He's your standard moderate democrat. Nothing more, nothing less. My reaction to him is an overwhelming "meh."

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