Thursday, July 21, 2016

RNC Speech of the night: Ted Cruz

I don't know how I missed this, to be fair I did go back and forth with doing stuff during parts of the convention tonight, and I remember being specifically busy during Cruz's speech, but after hearing it blow up on the internet and watching it again, I have to give Cruz credit here. This is just about the only time I'll have anything positive to say about Cruz, he is against everything I stand for, but the one thing I do agree with him is on this.

Cruz did not stand up on stage and endorse Trump. He told people instead to vote their conscience. The crowd tried to get him to endorse Trump, but after more or less ignoring them and refusing, continuing to talk about flowery rhetoric about freedom, he got booed. A lot of republicans hate him for it. How dare he not fall in line? How dare he not endorse Trump? How dare he not unite the party? Nope, Ted Cruz just gave one of the most polite "screw yous" I've seen to the RNC. And I love it.

I strongly believe in voting for one's conscience. I strongly believe in not being party lapdogs and falling in behind unlikable candidates for the sake of unity. I don't like Trump, and I don't like Cruz, and I don't like the republicans, but man, I have to respect him here. Good for you, Cruz, you vote for whoever the heck you want in November, and don't let anyone else tell you not to.

Bernie, next week, it's your turn. I'll be waiting.

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