Friday, July 15, 2016

Democrats are hypocrites on the minimum wage

So a friend of mine from Puerto Rico shared this gem with me involving the Puerto Rican debt crisis. Feel free to read the link. Take as long as you need. If you don't understand my anger over the situation, let me explain it to you. The democrats are normally all about minimum wage increase. $10.10 an hour, $12 an hour, $15 an hour. Yet here is a BIPARTISAN bill, proposed by a democrat, and supported by others on both sides of the aisle, including former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, that would reduce their minimum wage to $4.25 an hour as part of their debt package. This is supposed to stimulate job growth among youth, and blah blah blah. All I have to say is, what the actual **** democrats? I know the democrats aren't known for their stellar progressive policies these days, but this is flat out something I'd expect from the republicans.

The thing is, neoliberalism is what got Puerto Rico into this situation. They've been giving tax cuts to businesses for years, even to the point where they would pay no taxes at all, while imposing ridiculous sales taxes on the populace to make up the difference. The fact is, businesses have no interest in investing in this little island that is a US territory unless the government allows them to treat their citizens there like literal wage slaves like they do in neighboring places like Haiti and the Dominican Republic. That's improperly managed capitalism at work. However, unlike those places, Puerto Rico is actually part of the US. It's not an official state, but it is a territory. We should bail them out and help them. However, some rich people would lose money from doing so, so they get austerity instead.

Take note readers, if the democrats are willing to sell out Puerto Rico, they're willing to do it to you instead. The democrats as they exist, despite their rhetoric, are largely within the firm embrace of Wall Street and its politics. They might push for surface reforms that sound good on paper to win you over, but push comes to shove, they'll support their corporate donors. Why do you think they refuse to come out against the TPP? I never thought they would stoop so low to try to reduce their minimum wage to literal poverty wages though. This is disgusting. We are literally treating Puerto Rico as a mere colony here to exploit, not as an island full of American citizens.

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