Friday, July 22, 2016

I freaking hate the "privilege" argument in relation to 2016

Okay, so a common argument I'm hearing more and more that's about trying to make unhappy democrats vote for Hillary is the "privilege" argument. It goes like this. Many people, including women, minorities, LGBT, etc., rely heavily on the democratic party for their livelihood. They need the democratic party, and if I don't vote for them, I'm a selfish piece of **** who is consigning these people to poverty and possibly death, etc. Essentially, the argument goes what people unhappy with the democrats are privileged white males and they can survive a republican administration, but these poor people can't and I should vote for them for their sake, otherwise I'm selfish.

This argument makes my blood boil. Look, I understand what privilege is. I understand I have it, but I'm tired of these SJW minded democrats telling me I'm a bad guy for wanting to vote my conscience.

Here's the thing. I truly believe that how I am voting is in the best interests of America. And not just for white males like myself, for everyone. I want REAL solutions to our problems, not band aids that keep people on life support like the democrats do. REAL solutions. And I believe that it is important that in order to accomplish this, we defy the two party system by voting for candidates outside of it who will advocate for the kind of change we are for, in hopes of either dethroning the current parties, or making them shape up and actually support us. They will not listen to us unless we MAKE THEM. This means we have to play some games of electoral chicken with them, and we can't be the ones who chicken out. If we do, they win. They will own us. Do you want that?

But, the democrats like to constantly remind us of how bad things will be without them. They're like an abusive spouse who lays on the guilting every time we want to leave them. And this argument is essentially that if I can't support the democrats for myself, I should support them for everyone else. That everyone else can't survive a republican administration, and blood is somehow on my hands if I don't support them.

The way I see it, this is playing dirty. The democratic party is resorting to using people as human shields. They're taking their disadvantaged electorate hostage and guilting people if they don't give in to their ransom demands. But in reality, we need to keep in mind who is responsible here.

The democratic party is not entitled to votes. They think they are, they think you owe them something. They don't owe anything to you and you have to compromise and fall in line, but you owe them. And if you don't support them, it's all your fault when they lose. This is essentially what this argument comes down to. It's another version of that. That it's MY FAULT when they lose, and the consequences are on me.

In reality, the democratic party isn't owed crap. People don't owe them loyalty, and votes are ultimately transactional. You support people who you like, you don't vote for people who you don't like. This idea that I have to vote for people I don't like to avoid other people I don't like even more, is propaganda made up by the democratic party machine to encourage loyalty. The democrats never take responsibility for their own failures, they always try to shift them on their voters. Those darned Nader supporters are why we lost in 2000. If only they supported Gore. Those darned millennials ingrates are why we lost congress, blah blah blah. Blame blame blame.

I say it's time for the democratic party to step up and take responsibility for their own mistakes. If people refuse to vote for them, and they lose, it's their own darned fault, and any consequences that arise from that can be pinned on them, and their failed campaign strategy. They need to stop blaming voters for their problems.

What the democrats are doing now, is saying, look, I know I have a bad business strategy, but if you don't patronize my business, I'm going to go broke, and my kids will go hungry. It's your fault if you don't buy my crappy product, think of my children. Yeah, no, you're not owed crap. In an ideal world, we wouldn't need to make those hard choices. And that's the kind of ideal world I want to make, quite frankly. But we will never get there if we submit to the democratic party machine and their mentality that is so abusive to their voters.

We have to remain strong in our convictions. If the democrats are going to hold people hostage more or less as part of their campaign strategy, then we have to say, "sorry, I'm not going to negotiate with terrorists", and vote for whomever the heck we want. There's a reason our government has that policy, and it's because if you give into such tactics, it validates them, and encourages their use again and again. Which is what will happen if we vote democratic if this is the best they have to offer to us. They'll just keep holding their electorate hostage again and again and again. We need to stop giving them what they want. It's the only way to make them change.

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