Saturday, July 9, 2016

Moving from

Well, I originally tried to make a blog under a different name at, but because I got tired of constant outages in which their website went down for days at a time, I decided to switch to posting here instead. I also chose a new name to give myself more anonymity.

Like my last blog, this blog is not intended to be 100% serious, because if I put the effort in to make it 100% serious, I likely would not do it for very long and get burned out on it. As such, I suggest reading my blog for the content, and the message, taking into consideration it represents my views views on the matter. It may not always be cited to the T, and I do tend to make grammatical mistakes and write in a fairly informal way. I write similar to how I talk, and this means that my posts will read more like personal commentary than college essays, and actual quality may vary. Still, I do intend on expressing my views as the truth as I see it, although you are free to disagree with me. Feel free to research issues I discuss and come to your own conclusions. Take what I say with a grain of salt and think for yourselves.

This is primarily going to be a political and philosophical blog. Topics of interest discussed on my last blog were things like the 2016 election, the concept of universal basic income and my whole anti work philosophy, my political views in general, and at times, how my overall atheist philosophy influences my views.

For people coming here for the first time, I'll say this much about my views. I'm a millennial. I'm a white male, college educated in the social sciences, particularly political science and sociology. I consider myself to be a "liberal", but I am to the left of most liberals in this country, as you'll see with my constant criticisms of Hillary Clinton. I am more in the whole Bernie Sanders camp in terms of liberalism and prefer large government solutions that would solve our social and economic problems in holistic ways, rather than piecemeal solutions American liberals are accustomed to. I'm an atheist. I used to be a Christian but about 4 years ago I deconverted for a number of reasons (hence the 2012 reference in my URL), and I have a few choice words about religion at times. I also used to be a conservative before 2012 too, by the way, so I have insight into how that mentality thinks too. I'd like to consider my shift my "Plato's Cave" experience, in which I stopped seeing the world through the lens of religion and flawed ideology, and more as it really is. Although you're free to disagree with my concept of reality. I am biased after all.

Beyond that, I will be likely porting some of my articles from my old blog onto here. I'm not sure if I will port them all, since there were about 50-60 of them and they were of varying quality, but I will definitely be posting those I considered to be the best, and that best outlined and proposed solutions to the issues of the day. As such, you will likely see me post articles from my own blog that I feel discuss the issues well, but I might gloss over stuff like my posts about the 2016 election and consolidate my line of thought into some new posts.

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