Monday, October 10, 2022

I don't care either way about "Columbus Day"

 So today is columbus day. I didnt even know until a friend of mine asked if his kid had off from school today, and the answer was "probably?"

But anyway, I kind of wondered why I was seeing people talk about christopher columbus being a POS constantly. I mean, he was a POS, don't get me wrong, but I'm going to be honest, I'm so over this culture war nonsense.

When I was a kid, wanna know what I thought about Columbus day? Oh cool, a day off. It was just an excuse to not have school. I didnt care about christopher columbus. Yes yes, he was the guy who "discovered" America, but not really, and he was a brutal person who enslaved and genocided natives and was jailed as a monster even by the standards of his time.

But let's face it. We have this debate every year. It shouldnt be christopher columbus day. It should be indiginous peoples' day or whatever.

Who cares? I don't. How do these culture wars affect my life at all? Im so sick of the left wasting energy pointing out what a piece of crap a lot of people in the past were and arguing for removing monuments and stuff, when we could be expending energy on literally everything else.

Which is why this article is only 6 paragraphs long. I aint expending more energy on it. I'm over it. I'm just here to write a quick blurb in literally less than 5 minutes on it before I turn my brain off from politics completely tonight. So yeah. That's my stances. I don't care, you probably shouldn't either. Enjoy the day off. Wish we had more days off. And more vacation time. And we worked less. Now that's what we should invest more time into. Making more holidays so we have more excuses to work less. Invent reasons to take off for completely BS reasons. Beats working all day every day and never taking days off ever.

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