Thursday, October 13, 2022

Trump subpoenaed by the January 6th committee!

 So....we had another January 6th hearing today. Not a ton came out of this one other than them showing congresspeople trying to coordinate with state and local governments and the national guard while the crapshow was going on. But one big thing that did happen at the end was that they're subpoenaing Trump to testify in a future hearing, discussing his side of January 6th. All year the committee has been building a case against Trump, and it's pretty persuasive, but now they want him to answer questions. 

Which is what I want to discuss. Let's be honest, what will doing this accomplish? In my opinion, not much. Some seem to think Trump won't show up, but there would be serious legal repercussions if he doesn't. Honestly? I expect Trump testifying to be somewhere between pleading the fifth and refusing to say anything at all, and being immature and doing this "I know you are but what am I" thing to drum up his supporters into thinking he's owning the libs. Maybe if hes particularly stupid he will go full on into how the election was stolen from him, he didn't do anything wrong, and that it's everyone else who is guilty. Maybe he will even incriminate himself, who knows. I just wanted to speculate. 

I'm going to be honest, it will be interesting to watch, but I don't think much will happen either way in a productive sense. The country is so polarized that people either believe he's a scumbag, or that he's the second coming of Christ who can do no wrong, with some bystanders with no real opinions. I don't think anyone's mind will be changed. Perhaps he could incriminate himself allowing charges to be brought forward, but in all honesty, I think he would do the smart thing and plead the fifth in some semi defiant way. I don't know. Anyway, I plan on watching it when it happens so I can report my thoughts on it then.

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