Friday, October 7, 2022

Let's go Brandon!: Biden pardons marijuana offenses

 So, it should be noted before I begin, yes I know the origins of the phrase, yes, I know it's been used to denigrate Biden, but I also know the left has, to some extent, embraced the meme with its "dark brandon" content, and I want to do that here. I support the move.

Biden basically is removing marijuana off of the schedule 1 drug list, and also pardoning people with simple marijuana offenses. However he has not fully legalized the drug. Still, this is huge, and signals a huge shift away from the horrid war on drugs, which never worked, and just led to more crime and arrests and overcrowded prisons. 

Some on the left have been critical of the move, claiming it doesn't go far enough, and I can see that, Bare Minimum Biden likes to do the bare minimum, but given the complaints mostly seem to revolve around not pardoning state offenses which Biden doesn't have the power to do, can you blame him? He literally encouraged states to follow suit, and many of the ones refusing are hard red states like Texas who are obviously going to oppose nice things because, well, when has Texas ever been on the side of progress in recent history? Regressive states going to regress. 

Another complaint seems to revolve around not pardoning people who are illegal immigrants, but you know what? Maybe they shouldn't have come here. I mean, I admit I'm much more conservative than most people on the left on this issue due to my unique political history and ideology, but I honestly ain't gonna shed too many tears over this. I mean, they still broke the law by coming here illegally, and let's face it, there's likely a decent correlation between illegal immigration and drug trafficking anyway. I mean, you could argue illegals should be pardoned for this offense, but given they still technically committed other offenses, eh, I can see why biden is being cautious here. 

The fact is, this is a very good decision, and I support it. The war on drugs has been a failure, and it's good we're finally taking some steps to reverse it. Times are a changing, and this is changing for the better.

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