Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Tulsi Gabbard leaves the democratic party

 So, in a move that absolutely no one saw coming, Tulsi Gabbard has left the democratic party. I am shocked, shocked I tell you. I mean, she was one of my favorite candidates in 2020. She was like #4 on my list of 20!

...Okay, I cant keep this charade up. Yes yes, I liked Tulsi to some extent in the past, and she really was like my 4th or 5th favorite candidate or something in 2020, but honestly, who DIDN'T see this coming. Tulsi has been going hard right since 2020, and while she's always had an independent mind and been willing to stick to her own convictions no matter what, she has been getting more and more conservative. Didn't she oppose Biden's agenda because it increased the size of government? I mean there were reasons to critique his agenda, don't get me wrong, but she seemed to regurgitate right wing talking points. And now she's going on about cabals of warmongers and wokeness. I mean, this is just right wing drivel that makes it sound like I'm listening to a conservative about to make up some crazy conspiracy theory about "Jewish space lasers" or some crap. Does the left have a wokeness problem? Yes. And I've mentally checked out of the dems in part over wokeness too. But...come on tulsi, this just seems like blatant pandering. Also, apparently she's going on Tucker Carlson tonight to discuss this. Like,  come on she's not even trying to come off as a moderate or anything now. She's going full on rightoid here. 

Gonna be honest, at this point, the right can keep her. She's completely abandoned the left in recent years, making whatever swing I've had to the center since 2020 look mild by comparison.I'm done with her. She's lost all of my support over the past two years. She really ain't even a leftie in name any more. I bet the Jimmy Doreites will still lap up everything she says though...

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