Wednesday, April 10, 2024

...and I just voted for Marianne Williamson for the primary

 Yes yes, I know primary season is already "over", but as I said previously, I didn't vote yet. And I resent this primary system of the election being decided by super tuesday with the rest of us being told to get over it and back the nominee. It's like the dems dont want primaries, and believe me, I kind of think that they really don't. They long for the days of machine politics and smoke filled back rooms and the prospect of a primary we the unwashed masses can vote in comes off as a formality to them.

Well, I'm going to give my say at least ONCE this election cycle, and I'm doing it here. Normally I'd take a harder stance on the democrats and their...anti-democratic behavior, but given we're dealing with the guy on the other side who wants to destroy all democracy and install himself as a dictator, my options are kinda limited this time around. Still, I AM gonna give my say in the primary. I understand Marianne Williamson probably won't even break 1% in practice, I mean she wasn't even on the ballot for whatever reason although Dean Phillips was (i wrote in williamson), but again, it's the principle of it all. I prefer principled voting, I hate strategic voting when you come down to it, especially when the party in question games the system, I just feel like I have to back Biden in the general because he's doing some good things, because trump is scary, and because let's face it, i dont like the leftist candidates much AT ALL as they're too radical and impractical for me and there's some serious ideological divides there. Remember the metric i made yesterday. I'm basically a 3E/4S/4F, Biden is a 4E/4S/4F, and the leftists are 2E/2S/2F. You can pull me to a 3E/2.5S/3F (which is what i'd classify williamson as roughly) if you want, but the 2 is a bridge too far and i dont really value leftist ideology much. 

With that said, and my say being formally registered, I'm ready to move on to the general where I will defend Biden. I admit after thinking about williamson again, I kinda feel like Im holding my nose for the guy, but let's face it, i basically am. But again, that's just the nature of this election cycle. It's the 4E/4S/4F guy or the 6E/6.5S/5F guy so....

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