Monday, April 22, 2024

No, wokeism isn't about "human rights", it goes WAAAY beyond that

So I finally got to use my definition of wokeness in an actual debate, and the response I got was basically:

I mean who isn’t when it comes to certain values, particularly human rights? You either care about them or you don’t, there’s not a lot of wiggle room in between ya know?

 I know a lot of woke people love to pull this on me, acting like, it isn't a big deal, we're just for human rights, what, aren't YOU for human rights? But I wanna put a stop to this right now.

Virtually everyone in western society, outside of some genuine bigots, is generally for human rights. These battles had been won like 50 years ago now. We for civil rights in the 60s, womens' rights generally around the 70s (although i admit the republicans wanna go backwards on abortion). Gay marriage we got in the 2010s, and we're working on the trans stuff, and largely I suspect we're gonna win there long term. 

And anyone, especially liberals, has been for this stuff mostly for decades, maybe not the trans stuff, that's kinda new. But homosexuality has been a steadfast liberal position for a good decade now. Minority and womens' rights for again, like 50+ years.

So what's the problem? it's the circlejerking. Like you're the ONLY ONES who care about this stuff. Like...stop making a martyr out of yourself, my god, or acting like you're the only ones who care. Stop the superficial bullcrap. 

Like really, this is whats annoying, these guys hyper fixate on these topics and act like they're the only ones who care, and then get so pissy when people push back against them. 

Even worse, the debate isn't even about peoples' rights mostly. Critical theory stuff goes WELL beyond that. At this point the debates are getting so abstract that it's not even funny. We're not talking about civil rights for black people, for example any more, we're talking stuff like policing, and reparations, and affirmative actions and stuff. With women, the only "right" we're really still debating in society is abortion, which, I'm progressive on. Beyond that it's complaining over who does the house work, and pay gaps in work (even though equal pay for equal work is MOSTLY a thing...), whether consent is consent (see the rammstein thing), and some weirdo feminists wanting to ban porn for whatever reason. And it's like...ugh. 

Like, critical theory is literally a theory that says that you can have legal rights on paper, but that isn't good enough. We need to actually make these guys equal in effect, we need equal representation in employment, we need to reduce economic inequality, we need to focus on all of this subtle stuff that might not be able to be addressed without really getting in there in the nitty gritty of everything and upsetting the balance of everything, including the nominal legal rights argument. 

Really, keep in mind what I always used to say. "You can be for social justice, without being a social justice warrior." Most in the liberal left are. We just don't loudly scream at the top of our lungs about it constantly and virtue signal how much we care and blah blah blah.

Like here's the thing. These people, will never be happy. To them, it's not about the result, it's about the struggle. Because movements tend to dissolve when they get what they want. Because why continue them? You won. Go home. No. They gotta keep fighting. They gotta keep creating new fronts in a never ending culture war to fight over. And this is why i hate these people. Because as far as I'm concerned, we already won most of these battles, or we were winning. No, they gotta fight new battles. They gotta end up getting so annoying they end up pissing off the populace and then after they actually do inflame the conservatives and make them gain strength, they gotta push for unity around their issues in an eternal battle against them.

Again, if we win, they disappear and move on to the next thing. Maybe people wont be motivated by say, feminism any more if the feminists win, get everything they want, etc. No. So they gotta keep the big bad enemy alive by creating new grievances in order to keep people motivated and distracted. 

And that's where we are now, post 2016. Keep in mind, I honestly believe wokeness was used as a psy op to distract us from economic causes. We already won this crap but because that's the one aspect of left wing politics clinton could actually outflank bernie on, she HAD to go into the grievance stuff in order to shift rhe narrative away from the economic problems and back toward social ones. Again, keep in mind to me, this stuff is a trap. It's a massive waste of time intended to keep us fighting amongst crap that doesnt matter so that we dont fight over stuff that does. 

And that's where we are. Don't get so self righteous like you guys are the only ones who care about human rights. Again, for you guys its all about the struggle, not the result. We had already won this stuff mostly decades ago. You guys just gotta keep the grievances alive so that we dont focus on anything else. 

I noticed this in germany too when the rammstein thing was going on. Their left has even MORE cultural power there to the point the right barely existed, but they gotta keep fighting against an imaginary boogeyman and creating new fronts to fight in. Which is what we ended up with the Rammstein thing. Rammstein didnt do anything wrong, but feminists HAD to turn it into a massive culture war over consent and groupie culture and sexual relations because it's like they HAVE to create a cause to be invested in and they have to create something to fight against. Because, again, if they don't, maybe they'll lose their relevance. The problem is it's backfiring and leading to the alt right because people ARE pushing back against them and most of them arent as progressive as I am. some ways despite them winning we're bringing the nazis back just so they can keep fighting the same old good fight they won. It's kinda sickening when you think about it.

But yeah, don't let anyone tell you differently. The left has been winning for a while. We're regressing if only because the left is becoming so overbearing it's actually creating opposition that wouldnt otherwise exist. And that just digs them in further since now they have an enemy to fight. They cant not have an enemy to fight, because they would stop being relevant if they did. They would lose their cultural power, as everyone would agree with them and people would move on to the next divisions within society. So they gotta keep these divisions artificially open while going on about how they're the only ones who care about human rights.

It's BS man. Don't fall for it.

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