Tuesday, April 2, 2024

And now Donald Trump thinks he was sent here by God...

 This actually happened.

That's rich. I don't recall sending him here at all...(snark). 

But seriously, this is who we're promoting. I think if i was still a legit fundie christian, I would be seeing this guy as the anti christ. I would be probably going on about how his first term was the 3.5 years that didn't suck and his second term is the second part of his reign where he does. Ya know, like in revelation. He's that fricking bad. I don't think he will bring about the literal end times (although who knows, he might), but yeah...this isn't good. 

Like, this guy is literally the opposite of everything he says he is. He's for the constitution humpers and he basically doesnt believe in the constitution. He's appealing to fundie christians for some reason, and they're going ride or die on him. He's a psycho. Dude literally thinks he's sent here by god, and openly says that crap. I know I have spiritual beliefs where I believe I'm on this planet to spread certain political messages for certain spiritual reasons, but honestly, even if i were an atheist, my views would be literally the same, and that's the point. I don't need to appeal to god to make whatever arguments I make. I developed the core of my worldview as an ex christian secular humanist. You can either accept what I say or don't. My views are based on reason, I make no arguments from authority, believe what you will.

But for this guy to go all carolus rex on us is just...wow. Seriously, guys, don't vote for him, he's a psycho. Don't let this guy anywhere near power. PLEASE. Also, to the fundie christians in the audience, THIS GUY IS BASICALLY THE ANTI CHRIST, WTF ARE YOU DOING FOLLOWING THIS GUY. Like holy crap. Even I see it and I don't even believe your mythology any more. I'm only talking like this because at one point I was a conservative Christian and if this MFer came around back in like, 2004, I wouldn't follow him. I mean, he's nuts. And this level of malignant narcissism is not something you want anywhere near an actual seat of power. He wants to be a Putin or a Xi or a Kim Jong Un. And because he's been in power before, he knows how to exploit the situation next time to make it happen.

Wake up America, don't vote for this guy. I normally make jokes like about how the fundies think he was sent here by god and crap, but for this guy to actually say it, uh...yeah. Don't fricking let this guy anywhere near the white house again. He's literally DANGEROUS.

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