Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Republicans are already talking about repealing the 22nd Amendment and letting Trump run again in 2028

 So, this is scary. But, yeah, conservatives are already talking about getting rid of term limits so Trump can keep running over and over again. We only had one president who has done this before, FDR, and while he was arguably one of America's greatest presidents, we implemented this amendment for a reason. Given our political system, it's hard enough to dislodge incumbents enough as it is, and if we just allowed people to keep running for president over and over again, we'd never get rid of some of these guys, and a change of leadership is generally a good thing. 

And I just want to say something: THIS IS HOW IT BEGINS. Look at Putin's Russia. Putin originally ran for two terms. And then the term limits kept him out. Then they ran his crony, Medvedev, who then got rid of term limited, and then vacated the position so Putin could fill it again. Here we are, 16 years later, and Putin is still president. And probably will be for the rest of his life, given how rigged the elections are in Russia, and how badly they treat the opposition. This is how it starts. Eroding constitutional protections that stop people from taking power like this. 

Xi did the same thing in china. No more term limits, now this guy is president for life. This is the future conservatives seem to want, be very scared about this. Trumpers are literally talking about how we need a dictator, and how they wouldnt mind a dictator, and they are becoming more openly authoritarian and pro dictator. This is their end game. To take power and then purge everyone who they don't agree with. Steve Bannon already is talking about purging and locking up democrats in very dehumanizing terms

Again, this is all right in front of us. Don't screw around with this guy. Trump is DANGEROUS. He is LITERALLY a threat to democracy itself. This is not 2016 Trump or even 2020 Trump after all. This is something much darker, much more authoritarian, and much more dangerous. We could literally lose our democracy if we elect this guy. They are going to try to erode constitutional protections and make himself president for life. Im not sure if they'll succeed, but let's not give them the chance to try. Best to keep these nuts out of office as much as possible.

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