Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Making an even better analogy for why people should vote for Biden

 So vaush responded top a cringey krystal kyle and friends clip with ana kasperian in which the three of them said they'd never vote for Biden over gaza. And as you know, I think that throwing away everything over gaza is dumb. But then vaush did a vaush and made some really boring analogy about littering, and imagine youre in southern california and theres no trash cans anywhere, you should hold into your trash for hours so you can throw it away at home so that your neighborhood doesnt look like crap, you should never litter. Dont get me wrong, I understand where he's coming from, so I'd like to offer another analogy.

 So imagine we're playing chess. We're blue, and the republicans are red. Imagine that 2 turns ago, in 2016, blue had red against the ropes, we can checkmate red. But imagine the person actually taking the turns doesn't wanna do that. They wanna draw the game out for whatever reason. They wanna make the defeat so overwhelming that for their own personal glory, they want this PERFECT win. So they kinda decide to sacrifice a bunch of pawns, and the pawns revolt, and red somehow gains the upper hand in the carnage. 

So that's 2016. As a pawn, i thought at the time, that this game was won anyway, and throwing away my life for no reason is dumb, so they shouldn't do that. But imagine because between my revolt (as a voter), and between their incompetence, they lose a lot of ground. And now we're about one turn from getting checkmated. You can litigate why we got into this situation, and some have, they love to say if only we pawns listened we wouldnt be in this situation, but i blame the strategist for the crappy self serving strategy. Anyway. So we're in this situation where now we're about to be checkmated. And imagine I understand this, and I feel like the blue king has kind of learned his lesson somewhat and decided to make some good strategic gains i agree with since then. And I do think that in a couple of turns, we can still win this, if we play properly. But I do understand that I'm not getting everything i want this turn, and they're not gonna sacrifice my life for no reason this turn because the player who was leading decided to give up and hand the game to their friend joe who has been a bit better. 

Okay, so I'm a pawn and i hear the other pawns talking about throwing the game for joe. I ask why. Joe has tried to do right by us. We should try to do right by him. Let's not revolt this time. but the pawns start saying that the knight is threatening the green rook on the next board. The next board there is a game playing white and green. And white is a friend of joe's. So, this one piece threatens green. And I say "so what? this isn't our problem, he's helping them out, but our big opponent is red. And they say, well no, we like green, because we dont really like team blue, and we definitely dont like team white in the next board. I admit, team white seems to be a bit overzealous. I mean, they already won but they just keep going because green keeps mounting these stupid suicidal attack strategies that just make them worse and worse off instead of resigning. But again, it's not my concern, why do I care what happens to green? And they say we gotta show solidarity with green and it's unfair what happened to them in the first place. And then I look at the game and I notice they started out pretty even, but white just outplayed green and now things are going a bit too far because green just doesnt know when to quit. 

And yeah, imagine youre team blue, and you think joe is doing a much better job than that last commander hillary, ya know, the one who wanted to sacrifice us so they could pull off some really stupid way of winning rather than just doing the finishing blow. And yeah, I do wanna beat team red, but right now, red is my opponent. We gotta beat him. He's about to checkmate us. And these Mfers wanna throw the game away because blue has an alliance with white against green and they're sympathetic to green.

Now, do I care about green? No. Does throwing OUR game to red in protest of what's happening to green do ANYTHING to help us? No, it actually makes our lives worse. So why do it? 

And that's where I'm at with the people who wanna throw the election away over gaza. Gaza isnt my concern. it isnt my fight, it has no strategic benefit to me and our domestic politics. I dont care. Why should we throw the election to the republicans, the reds, because of what happens to green? Especially when the new blue commander is better than the last one who literally wanted to sacrifice us pawns to idk, turn some of the red pawns blue. 

It makes no sense. Like, when i protest voted in 2016, it was because i felt betrayed by the party. They decided they didnt need my vote, they werent gonna even try to work for it, but i BETTER vote for them or else. So i decided, okay, well, i dont like what you're doing so im gonna vote for someone else in protest. I figured okay, well, yeah maybe it would cause the repuiblicans to win this time, but they were on borrowed time anyway, and their coalition was gonna implode eventually, so let's protest them so we can win properly. 

These guys are doing it over some nonsense foreign policy conflict that is halfway across the world. it's stupid, I'm sorry, it is, and I'm tired of pretending it isn't. We should vote for Biden. We should back our guy. He's trying to forgive some level of student debt. He would do a lot more things if he had a congress to pull it off. Why the heck are we protest voting this guy?

Biden aint everything I want, and reminder, I DID vote for williamson today in the primary. So i still aint huge on biden. But i aint gonna throw the election away over THIS. This is stupid, sorry, but it is. Biden's trying to forgive $20k of my student loans, i ain't gonna NOT vote for him in the general, and it's really disgusting and I'm really getting turned off from the leftists who act like that's not a huge deal and kids in gaza are more important. I'm not with you guys on this one. Sorry, I ain't. And "leftists" in general need to understand wide swaths of the bernie coalition arent leftists. They're liberals who just want a better life via social democracy. And if you cant meet them where they're at, well you can expect to lose them back to the dems again. The fact that leftists are going so ride or die on fricking gaza is disgusting to me. Sorry, it is. This isn't my issue, and this isn't something im gonna single issue over. Because fighting the GOP is like a game of chess, and while i can understand some of us pawns revolting in 2016 after hillary wanted to throw us away for no fricking reason, we're really kinda in danger of being checkmated right now, and we need to rally around our king. That's how I see it. Because if we get checkmated, it's game over for all of us. 

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