Sunday, April 7, 2024

RFKs campaign admits it basically only exists to screw over Biden of RFK's campaign staff basically gave away RFK's campaign strategy. Basically, they're arguing that Trump and RFK supporters have a mutual enemy in Biden, and that RFK is gonna try to win at least one deep blue state to stop Biden from getting to 270, and possibly throwing the election to congress, which would effectively throw it to Trump as they'd be got Trump.

And I'm going to be honest, i'm kind of irritated by this. Don't get me wrong. i get it. RFK originally ran as a democrat but because the dems ran a dirty primary, he went independent with the intent on punishing and tanking Biden. I get it, this is what we tried to do in 2016 and 2020 when we voted green. HOWEVER, as I keep saying, 2024 is a much different animal than 2016 and 2020. After discussing the clinton thing a bit today online, I kinda realized that part of my strategy too was based on the fact that the dems had the coalitional high ground. They could say they had a decent lock on the white house and it wasnt in danger unless the democratic base was split. Likewise in 2020, I believed Trump won in a fluke in 2020 and Biden had a lock on it again, but he barely won. And now Biden is in the worst state I've seen a democrat in electorally since the 1980s. And that's not the place to be. Biden is now in the position trump was in in 2016, which means that sure, biden CAN still win, but right now it's not looking very good.

And even worse, Trump is basically talking about ending democracy. So...let's not mess with this guy. It's dangerous. And as much as I dont really like Biden either, or the DNC, and I admit they're scummy, I really think it's for the greater good we kinda overlook democratic screwery this one time just to keep trump out, and then we can relitigate this in 2028. 

Like, this isn't a good year for protest voting. Protest voting can work if the dems already come from a position of strength, and when our economy isnt OPENLY a threat to democracy. But after January 6th, he is. And we shouldnt mess around with that. RFK is justified in hating the democratic party. But I do want to point out that tanking the democrats in this position is a bad move. The dems arent coming from a position of strength where they can just bounce back in 4 years and repair the damage trump causes in office, they're now coming from a position of weakness, with a coalition in jeopardy that we don't know whether it can do the job any more. In large part, this IS a legacy of the DNC and Hillary Clinton. 2016 was a realigning year after all, and it went really badly for the dems. So that virtual lock the obama coalition had on the electoral college that Clinton started with is GONE. The white working class voters who voted for Obama in large numbers are GONE. The college students and young people are now disillusioned and all over the place. heck they're the reason there's so much dissatisfaction in the first place (or at least one of them). 

We are now vulnerable to a loss, and not just a loss for this election, but for the whole next alignment. We are now, much like in the 1970s, the party in the weak position as we undergo this realignment. We're getting those white suburbanites that the GOP drove out of the party that I didn't really want, and in the trade, trump is getting white working class voters that Obama won handily. This tactic, the dems doing this, is one of the reasons I protest voted in the first place. I wanted to tank this coalition hillary was trying to form. Because if she succeeded, I knew this would happen, and I knew we would be screwed. 

But now we're in a position where things ARE realigning in the worst case scenario, and Biden DID crack the so called sun belt a bit, while the GOP is making inroads in the rust belt and states like iowa and ohio arent even in play any more. Neither is florida. Just 20 years ago, florida and ohio were bellweathers, they were THE swing states. They were in the position pennsylvania, wisconsin, and michigan are now in, and back then, those states were easy D+5s. We're not in a good position here. Hillary screwed us over. She realigned the entire democratic party away from working class politics toward identity politics and just being this lame lesser evil party no one likes. And sadly its getting scary enough where the GOP is morphing into this full on fascist party that threatens democracy itself.

I didn't want this to happen. It scares the crap out of me that this has happened. But now that we're here, there isn't much we can do about it. All punishing the democrats is gonna do is make the GOP stronger. And we don't really want that. 

RFK has a point about the democratic party. it is corrupt. It is an oligarchy. But right now, it's all that stands between us and electoral oblivion, so let's not screw with this. Tanking Biden is a bad move. Because we need every vote we can get just to win. We dont have voters to spare any more. An electoral loss from third party voters won't signal anything positive to the democratic party to learn from. I mean, what does RFK even stand for? Just vague taking on the establishment nonsense.He doesn't have decent policies, he's a terrible candidate. I'd never vote for him over Biden because he's not better at anything.

And it's the same with gaza. I saw more people today talking about teaching Biden a lesson about gaza. Like holy crap, can we just forget about gaza already? F gaza. I dont understand why people are so deranged over a foreign policy thing that doesnt affect most people. Like, in 2016, i voted green over issues that would improve not just my life, but the country as a whole. I had clear goals, I intended to send a clear message. And it was a message I strongly believed in. Maybe I'm biased, but I just ain't sympathetic to the free palestine people either.

Ugh. I just hate this election. I really do. And you know what? based on what I mentioned above, I really have trouble forgiving hillary clinton. She screwed us over. And no, dont blame me, a third party voter, it's not JUST me. Even if i voted blue, it wouldnt stop the electoral trends that are happening from happening. The dems just alienated wide swaths of voters and now the GOP is picking them up. And now our coalition is weak and all over the place and cant turn out voters because our candidates suck and the only message that we can muster in this position is a lesser evil one that doesnt resonate. Hillary did this to us. She fractured the obama coalition, which was evolving into the sanders coalition, and now trump has a lot of those voters. And it's like the dems are just gonna get weaker and ever every election cycle. Ugh. 

And...admittedly, RFK is a reason why this exists.

Oh well, at least RFK existing explains why the polling is so bad in states like Illinois, Washington, and New York. I was really wondering (and worried) about that. If he's trying to actively flip them, maybe that's why +20 states are now +9-12.

Still, what is the democrats to learn from RFK's candidacy? Vaccines are bad? I mean....he doesnt stand for anything substantial. He ain't bernie sanders.

And im gonna be honest, i dont care about noninterventionist foreign policy, if anything, I like Biden's foreign policy better as he has just the right amount of nuance to win me over. So yeah. I just dont see the point.

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