Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Why screaming at people should not be a socially acceptable form of protest

 So, we're back to the whole issue of whether it should be okay to scream at people as a form of protest, a la the Palestine protesters disrupting events and calling people war criminals. And the answer should be categorically no. Regardless of your ideology, there should be certain lines we don't cross in dealing with others. Leftists dont respect things like the rule of law, civility politics, and place their ideology above those things. They think it's okay to disrupt things, and even to break the law in order to push their forms of progress.

The problem is that this leads to a form of harassment culture where people can't go anywhere without being harassed. Leftists think this is moral because the people being targetted run afoul of their own personal morals, but regardless of your personal morals, public morality should be uphold. And in a liberal democracy, we all have rights, and those rights should be respected. And maybe people who don't have the right moral positions don't deserve to be hounded. Think of it this way, how would you like it if religious fundies started hounding you for being a so called "baby killer" because your pro choice? Or being hounded by nazis and being called a "(we all know what word this is) lover" because you commit the mortal sin of supporting civil rights? These can happen in a society in which this behavior is normalized.

The whole point of civil society and the social contract is for us to come together in peace, to be able to give up a little liberty so that we may enjoy the rest. Everyone deserves some sense of peace, and some sense of privacy. We can disagree within this society of ours, but I do think breaking some levels of decorum should be heavily frowned upon, and harassment should not be accepted. The idea that people should be hounded for their political positions no matter where they go and they SHOULD be made to feel uncomfortable and threatened and not be given peace is psychotic and should not be accepted by civilized society. You can protest, but you can do so peacefully and in a non disruptive manner. So feel free to protest, to hold signs, whatever, but idk I think eventually it crosses the line when people try to disrupt events or HARASS people. That behavior shouldn't be accepted.

And I know some leftists are gonna bash me for being a "liberal" for saying this, and you know what? To some extent I am, this idea of having a social contract where we share security is a liberal, enlightenment idea. And that should be the default position within our society. Because this is the fabric that holds our society and allows us to be free. All of this incivility and illiberalism is a long term threat to our democracy. The last time we were okay with stuff like this, we basically were beating each other to death on the senate floor over slavery. So let's not go there.

By the way, I don't think this is good for the left at large either. The last time the left was this rambunctious was the 1960s when they screamed over vietnam like this. They ended up tanking their whole coalition, leading to the rise of the so called "silent majority" who outright rejected these people, and we were stuck with a right wing country for 40 years. And it'll happen again if the left doesn't get their crap together. No one likes this. When people behave like mental children, most americans (thankfully) cheer as you get escorted out by security. Do better, lefties, do better. You guys got some real toxicity going on you gotta get rid of before anyone takes you seriously.

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