Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Discussing the difference between "tolerance" and "promotion"

 This is an addendum on the Bill Maher article, but he did mention at one point that tolerance becomes promotion, and that what SJWs are doing is taking tolerance to a level that they're promoting weird uncomfortable sexual topics around children. And...I'm going to differentiate a bit. 

The thing is, I wrote an article on tolerance before, and tolerance is, as simple as the word says it is, it means to TOLERATE. It means to put up with. it means, you dont have to like something, but you have to accept that because the alternative of INtolerance is much worse. 

What makes SJWs SJWs in the first place, and what makes "woke", woke, is the fact that they aren't just tolerating something. They are promoting. They're shoving stuff down peoples' throats, their aggressively and evangelically promoting a set of values, and they're being actively intolerant to any dissent or pushback they get from it. 

If SJWs were JUST about tolerance, I wouldn't crap on them ANYWHERE near as much. Because that's how I view my own viewpoint on these issues. We all have our differences in opinion, we might not like each other, we might not get along, but as long as we stay out of each others' way, then people have a right to do whatever they want. What SJWs do and what sets them apart, and earns them my ire is the fact that they DON'T just leave it at that, they DO promote stuff, actively, and they DO tend to be intolerant of others' opinions. 

They are weirdo evangelical culture warriors who don't know how to say no for a reason. There is a reason I compare them regularly to the christian right. It's literally the same energy, and my beef with them is the same, the fact that they are intolerant of others and wanna shove their views down everyone else's throat. That's the common thread there. Tolerance is great, I'm all for tolerance. But SJWs and fundie Christians are for aggressively and evangelically shoving their perspective down everyone else's throats and making the rest of society conform to their values. There's no tolerance with these people, and that's where, I, the secular libertarian, tell both of these groups to screw off. 

And yeah, that's also why I agree with Bill maher somewhat in the previous article. Because as he said, drag queen story hour isnt so much about the kids, it's about the adults, it's about promoting an agenda. And maybe the agenda is to normalize this stuff at a young age to make them more tolerant of homosexuality as they get older, and that isn't necessarily a bad goal, but it is weird, and I do think that critics have a point in pointing out how creepy this is and how it could lead to a situation where children might be put in danger to bad faith actors who are predators. This isn't to say that every drag queen looking to read to kids is a pedophile, the majority probably aren't. But the same could also be said of catholic priests, and we KNOW how that stereotype goes.

The fact is, I know a bit about this kind of abuse from a class I took for my criminology side of my undergrad (keep in mind im political science AND criminology, with criminology being seen as a subset of sociology), and we actually did study these kinds of predators in those classes. And they're everywhere. It's disgusting. Like 1/4 girls are sexually abused at some point, 1/6 boys are. It's terrifyingly common, and often respected people like family members, or pastors, or teachers are the ones doing the abusing. And then you introduce this overly sexualized stuff to minors in the name of "tolerance' (but by this point it is active promotion) and i dont think people are too out there for thinking that this could be a problem. Because it CAN. Even if the vast majority of participants are in good faith. And comparing it to the nickelodeon issue that's been a hot topic as of late, I fail to see a difference. This crap happens in straight communities too, and a big lesson from the nickelodeon things is that child predators can be attracted to institutions and occupations, etc., that allow easy and trusted access to kids. This is why if you wanna work with children you really do need a squeaky clean record. We dont want people who could threaten them. Ya know? 

So...I don't think Maher is out of line here. And I do think that the difference between tolerance and promotion is relevant here. Tolerance to me has a negative implication, the duty to stay out of each others' way. Promotion is kinda ramming it down peoples' throat, and that is what SJWs do, and that is the problem here. And I wanna point that out.

You need to be dealing with some serious leftist brainrot if you CANT at least admit there's an optics issue here. I'm not saying you can't disagree with it, even I admit the overwhelming majority of drag queens that read to children are probably benign. BUT, it is weird, I see where the other side is coming from, and maybe we shouldn't be promoting this sort of thing. Just saying.

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