So, I was just watching Kyle Kulinski talking about some old Bernie clip from 20 years ago and how it relates to the rise of kinda hits me hard.
As I've alluded to several times I've been trying to write a book. Post election, I've gone in a WAY different direction with my book, as what I'm doing isn't working. In this iteration, I'm linking my agenda in with the the historical forces related to the current party realignment we seem to be experiencing. Tonight, I was writing about 2016. I talked about how I wanted to focus on healthcare and then the democrats came along with their SJW nonsense and were trashing him for being a "class reductionist" and how bernie's supporters were sexist, and how we didn't care about black people, and meanwhile, I'm literally like HEY I JUST WANT SOME UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE AND ECONOMIC JUSTICE. And how the dems...seemed more interested in dividing Americans along race and gender lines, driving people to Trump, than in economic progress for all.
I actually fault the combination of that, as well as Trump himself, as giving rise to this cursed seventh party system we're heading toward. In this chapter, I pointed out that Bernie could have united Americans behind a common agenda, but instead, Clinton and Trump decided to divide the country and carve it up into different demographics where we're at each others' throats. And it's true. That's exactly what happened.
Bernie is, and was, a national treasure. He should've been the great realigner, not Trump. And I can't help but feel like we entered the worst possible timeline because we did not elect Bernie in 2016. And now it's too late. He's old, and he had no viable replacement. The democrats functionally killed his movement, and condemned us to a world where we just elected a fascist. Again. And he's more dangerous this time than he ever was. We screwed up.
And I know this will piss off the people on democratic subs, but SCREW HILLARY CLINTON. Screw her from the bottom of my heart. SHE DID THIS TO US. She screwed up the entire timeline. She screwed up the entire country. Because It WaS HeR tUrN!
It's crazy. it's just fricking crazy. And of course, screw Trump too. my honest opinion, if we didn't have Hillary, we never would've had Trump. And that's why I hate Hillary so much. Screw this entire fricking timeline, man.
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