Friday, March 15, 2024

Putting the sweetbaby inc thing in its proper context

 So I already did an article on this in which I gave my thoughts, but apparently this is catching on and becoming gamergate 2.0 among right leaning gamers, so I wanted to give more direct, concise thoughts as opposed, to, you know, rambling. 

First of all, is sweetbaby inc., cringe? Yes, it kinda is. I've seen all the tweets, I know that their owner is a racist (or not, if you think racism only applies one way which many woke people do). I do think these guys are weirdo culture warriors who wanna push their ideology in video games. I said in my previous one, I'm not necessarily opposed to all wokeness in video games. You can make a good game that is also woke. Not saying there won't be elements of cringe there, but i mean, you can make games about whatever you want, freedom of speech, baby. And Im going to be honest, I have enjoyed various games in the past that I would say have a woke leaning to them. Do I kinda miss the 2000s where this wasn't a thing? Sure, but again, this is the current zeitgeist, and sadly, for as many people don't want this, a lot do. 

And that's why it's popular. People dont hire consultancy firms to make their games conform with woke standards out of the goodness of their hearts. They do so because that's where the money is. Game developers fear being cancelled. They fear backlash, and woke people DONT tend to value free speech very much, and WILL try to cancel people for not conforming to their narrative, so this is ultimately about money. If you have a big issue, the issue is cancel culture itself. Sweetbaby inc is only a symptom of this. 

For all the talk about blackrock somehow being related to this, as a leftie myself, man wait until you find out how lefties hate blackrock too because they kinda like to buy up massive amounts of land and housing and drive prices up. Which is a far more salient issue to our times than wokeness is. 

Like here's the thing. I might crap on wokeness on here, but in the grand scheme of things, it's not a big deal, really. Keep in mind my top issues. UBI, M4A, free college, student debt forgiveness, climate change, HOUSING (yeah, kinda important here), and reducing the work week. I mean, all of this culture war stuff is low hanging fruit IMO. And me, im culturally libertarian. Im like do whatever you want, as long as its voluntary. So if some weirdo pink haired SJW wants to make woke art, let them. I do think there is a concern with so many studios turning to a company like sweetbaby inc to make sure they dont get cancelled, but that's kind of the real problem, isnt it? And thats why i regularly crap on these people. Because they kinda wanna ruin things for everyone else too. I have the same disdain for these guys as i do right wing culture warriors who wanna shove religion down my throat. 

But yeah, we have a real issue, with cancel culture, and the implicit censorship that is causes. And yes, I know its a bit more complex than that and how investment firms have metrics, and those metrics are being cheesed by going "woke" to score brownie points in the eyes of investors, but that's the actual issue. It's the social metrics being established by left wing culture warriors. Sweetbaby inc is LITERALLY just the symptom. And yeah, it's cringe. I mean, again, Ive been seeing this stuff popping up in my feed and yeah, those guys are kinda crazy, full on indoctrinated culture warriors. And their CEO seems to have disdain for white people.

Anyway, what can I say? If you hate it so much, organize like they do and boycott it. I'll buy games I wanna buy and avoid games I don't. This isn't a huge deal with me. As long as a game is good, I'll buy it. If a game sucks, I won't. What can I say? Personally, I don't see this as a hill to die on. Just as I didn't go out of my way to boycott hogwarts legacy (I just didn't buy it since i dont like harry potter), I aint going out of my way to boycott sweetbaby inc either. I just wanna have fun playing games, man. With my actual political advocacy, there are bigger fish to fry. I mean heck if you care so much about blackrock, try to learn about their impact on the housing market (yeah, it's kinda worse than i thought in my original articles, I mean, sure they only own like 1% of all housing but if they concentrate their efforts in specific local markets they could screw things up there).

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