Thursday, May 2, 2024

Dark Brandon hasn't changed his mind on gaza at all

 So, Biden has stated that the protests on gaza havent shifted him at all. Basically, much like me, he sees the protests as violent and unlawful and while much like me he believes in the right of peaceful protest, he doesn't support the right to do whatever you want. 

And you know what? I agree. Biden is right on here. His gaza policy is as reasonable as it's gonna get, and their protests are unreasonable. 

You know, I actually got banned from one of my favorite  subs today over this. It used to be pretty open to liberals AND leftists, but the left decided to take it on themselves to ban liberal takes. And this is why I've kinda been so vocal the other way. I'm listening to these people, and hearing them, and I think they're insane.

Look, in a civil society we need rules. Rules dont always exist for bad reasons. Rules often exist for good reasons. In 3D space, IRL, when you got a bunch of people occupying the same space, you need rules to determine who gets to do what and in what order. If youre gonna have a conversation, you have to stop talking for me to talk and vice versa. This is actually a huge reason I prefer online communication, but still, I get it. If youre gonna protest and do things IRL, there are still rules of who gets to occupy certain spaces for how much time, and why. And there are rules regarding private property where it's their property and they make the rules. And there's also rules about obstruction. You cant obstruct people from going about their business just because you have a point to make. 

If we did not have these rules, it would be chaos. We would just have people screaming at each other and coming to blows, and no one wants that, ideally. But that's what the protesters want. That's what "leftists" want. They literally say things like the point of protesting IS to obstruct, it IS to scream over people, it IS to cause disruption. And my opinion is this, if you are intentionally making a scene and being disruptive, don't be surprised when the cops come in and shut crap down. That's not civil, that's not how we conduct ourselves in a civilized society. This is how children act, and sometimes children do need to be disciplined when they throw a tantrum. You throw a tantrum and dont follow the just rules of civilized society, and don't be surprised when force is used to stop you.

These leftists have this weird egotistical view that they can do whatever they want and F the cops and blah blah blah. And I'm going to be honest, you act like this, don't be surprised when you get in trouble. And  it aint the cops being bad always, Im not saying they cant get out of hand, but about 90% of police action I've seen seems justified. The only place where Ive seen actual excessive force used is in Emery University where they were hauling off college professors and crap. 

Speaking of which, this weird anti cop perspective the left has is cringe. You need people to enforce rules. All societies need police. I'm not saying that we can't criticize them, and leftists do have interesting conflict theory based views on policing that are valid from a certain perspective, but they take this crap WAY too far. 

These leftists need to stop being in their own little world here. And for the record, this has been a huge problem I've had with them for a while. They are lawless. They dont believe in rules and laws. They believe inherently that society is evil, and that they're the good guys for doing this. 

Im not always gonna say they're wrong in their causes. But their methods? They're almost always wrong. We can all agree on Israel going a bit far. I'm not opposed to protests. I'm opposed to disruption and using illiberal means to get your way.

If you wanna protest vote Biden fine, you have a right to do that. I dont agree with it, I'll rip and criticize the decision tactically, but I'd never call for your arrest for not voting in a way I think people should vote. I'd never try to ban your speech just because I disagree with it. The reason I'm siding with cops and the use of force is these leftists just don't want to follow just rules. They wanna do what they wanna do and disrupt things and cause problems because they have a point to make. And I'm sorry, I dont care if you were doing this crap to promote UBI even, this stuff isn't okay. 

Sorry, not sorry. And to the mod who banned me from my favorite community, since i couldn't say this on reddit due to their snowflakey TOS, you can go F yourself too.

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