Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Pushing back against Bill Maher

 One thing kyle is right about today is Bill Maher though. I know I sometimes say I agree with Bill Maher over kyle in his segments on maher, but it really depends on the take. Anything with social or foreign policy issues, Maher often makes decent points. On economics though? Maher kinda sucks. And today Bill Maher went full on anti student loan forgiveness

Now, given this is one of my top issues, and given how Biden's student loan forgiveness is one of the best things he's ever attempted to do, and most of my critiques are him not going far enough, Bill maher is going full on centrist brained here. The whole argument that student loan forgiveness only benefits the wealthy is a full on neolib talking point. They assume people who go to college all get good jobs afterward, and while it is true of a lot of them, it's not universal. A college degree today is the same thing as a high school diploma in Maher's generation, and it just doesn't go that far. It's necessary to succeed for many, yes, but it's not a guarantee, and it's gatekept behind tons of money. And some of us are saddled with massive student loan debt while simultaneously not being able to make enough economically to pay it off. This is why the idea became popular in the 2010s. A lot of us millennials who went to college graduated into the crapshow of the great recession, and many of us had nothing to show for it. We kinda need our own bail out. And you know what? College needs to be reformed from an overly expensive commodity to a basic need. We have free K-12, why not expand that to college? It's a public investment for the future, and it would remove this albatross from the necks of youngsters.

Honestly, I hate weirdo "progressives" who act like we should only care about the poor and have limited public services and blah blah blah. It's this weirdo christian brained thing (see the article i did the other day on the origins of the modern welfare system) we need to move beyond. having college be a public service makes sense for America, and the students involved. The only people it doesn't benefit is the profit seekers and you know what? Screw them. 

I'm sick and tired of people arguing 'well this doesnt actually benefit the working class" and picking fights between those who go and those who dont go and creating resentment between the groups. It doesn't matter if the person is rich and making buck, and you know what? if you ask about the cost of healthcare, we often hear the argument doctors need to charge outrageous amounts to pay back student loans. So...why not just deal with that and solve two problems at once? Again, it's stupid. And I know Maher has been having crap takes on this. He was arguing against single payer recently too, and I know someone shared a tiktok of him bashing canada and how off base his comments there were.

I don't think Maher is always wrong. Sometimes I agree with Maher over kyle, especially on issues related to gaza or wokeness. Because let's face it, my politics are cut from a different cloth and most "leftists" and I do have more moderate foreign policy and social views these days. I wouldnt call myself a right winger. I know a lot of leftists love to act like someone with my views IS on the right, but to them, they don't know what the right actually is and what it is for.

I WAS on the right and I LEFT them as I got older. I'm innoculated against their BS. I'm not gonna be arguing for christian nationalism on social issues or full on neoconservatism on foreign policy any time soon. I'm just a full on MODERATE on those types of issues these days, pushing back against the excesses of the left, while not being on the right. 

Hell I even do it on economics the second they start getting all gatekeepy over "leftism" and their full on anti capitalist marxist bullcrap. Liberals arent necessarily right wingers, guys. As someone who has played the left purity testy games i get why they make that argument, but outside of perhaps third wayers on economics, I don't think it's true. The ideological bases between the two ideologies is just different. The only reason I make the argument on economics is my positions are closer to what an actual liberal (NOT A LEFTIST) position should be, whereas what the dems are doing is just center right mild centrist conservatism. 

As far as bill maher, eh, is he getting conservative as he gets older? maybe. Or maybe being on cable he is a victim of audience capture. His economics are cringe and but still, they're a lot more like that weirdo center right third way nonsense that I just pointed out (seriously guys, third wayers are more a hybrid of actual liberalism and conservatism on economics). On social and foreign policy though, I just think he was never that left. Maybe he never was on economics either. He is a boomer after all, and boomers tend to be the core "third way" demographic on the left. So yeah i still think he was never that far left and never that progressive.

I'm just in a place where i think the third way libs mostly had it right on social issues and foreign policy (where left activism is cringe and alienating to normies) while on economics I do think there's an opportunity to move left and go back to something closer to new deal economics. And yeah. Just giving my thoughts there.

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