Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Sorry Kyle, but Morning Joe is right, and you are wrong

 So, Kyle is a commentator who I normally agree with on most issues, but on foreign policy he's totally lost the plot, and his cringe palestine takes are enabling some major whacko extremism in his fan base. And nothing shows this clearer than this video he did today discussing Morning Joe on the gaza protesters. 

Basically, Joe Scarborough talked about how his parents growing up were lifelong democrats, until 1968, and then they became republicans in the face of all the whacko extremists. And Kyle is just dismissing this like it's a one off and a personal failure of his family. No, Kyle, this is the sociological imagination at work, the personal affects the social, what happens personally can result in long term large scale social trends. And I can confirm similar attitudes among my own family, and given I've "done my own research^TM" on the 1960s and the fall of the new deal coalition and the results of that, I can honestly say that yes, this guy is right. 

By the way, I know this because understanding the fall of the new deal coalition is in part essential to understanding how we got to the crapshow of the current politics. Because I believed we were going the right direction until that tumultuous 1968-1980 era, and then after 1980, we just went straight up the wrong direction all the way until the 2010s. And as I see it, the 2010s was the beginning of a shift where the left finally had a new lease on life to take back the narrative from the right, and they're BLOWING IT. Between the timidness of the establishment dems fearing going left AT ALL COSTS, and the most radical elements of the left in the voter base, we're spiraling out of control to the point we're dead in the water. And now the conservative movement, which was looking like it was on its death knell a decade ago, is actually recovering and at risk of regaining control of the narrative, which is why I say this election in particular is potentially going to be one of the most consequential of our lives. This is where the left lives or dies. And right now, it's DYING, and HARD. 

By the way, ya know how the dems always say we cant go too far left and then points out the economic issues that allegedly alienated people, like UBI? Uh, no, the fall of the new deal coalition was actually the social issues. It was the civil rights movement, and it was the anti war movement. The dixiecrats full on left the democrats over the civil rights movement, and a lot of others did get alienated by the anti war movement. Joe's family shifting right in 1968 wasn't just a personal thing, that was TRENDS. My own dad took the same path. He was spat on when he came home from Vietnam and port authority by some self righteous leftist and called a "baby killer", and he's always had this weird chip on his shoulder about how "he fought for his country and they didn't" ever since.

Heck, growing up conservative, as I said, virtually all of my elders in the boomer generation had this mentality that the 1960s is where everything started going wrong and these radical leftists are nuts and wanna ruin everything, and a lot of it did seem to come back to these protesters and the various left wing movements. The fact was, regardless of whether they were on the right side of history or not, the behavior of a lot of these people turned off a good segment of the population FOR A LITERAL GENERATION. And this led to Nixon winning in landslides in 1968 and 1972, and Reagan winning in 1980 and 1984. You dont see electoral maps like that any more. Like seriously, look at those electoral maps. Virtually the whole country went RED. They LOVED these guys back then. LOVED them.

And this...the new deal coalition broke and the reagan coalition rose in its place.

This is also, by the way, why boomers always say you're liberal when you're young but you get conservative when you get older. Because a lot of the young people of the 1960s were crazy left, and while I cant say that those guys ever went away, the vast majority of that generation did shift to the right as they came of age, got jobs, and started making their own decisions. I will admit my own generation has been somewhat bucking this trend so far as the economy never really worked for us, but we're already being massively outflanked by the zoomers, who are basically the hippie generation all over again. And a lot of us older people are kinda freaking out over these guys. Their politics are literally radical and foreign to us. As a left wing millennial i kinda get what they're coming from, but they seriously lack the discipline and the experience that the older generations have on this. And they are unironically just running to the mistakes of the generations that precede mine. 

And here's the thing. I'm gonna make this clear. THIS IS AN INTERVENTION, WE ARE TRYING TO PROTECT YOU FROM YOURSELVES. Jesus Christ. Like seriously. I want a more left wing progressive government too. But I mostly focus on economic issues. On social issues and foreign policy I'm a flat out moderate lib these days. And yes, I'm MLK's white moderate from his letters from birmingham jail. I'll own that. Because you know what? The white moderates are where we win and lose elections and I'm not gonna give up whatever normiedom I have left in the name of ideological purity.

The left needs to learn and fast or we risk losing the next generation of politics to the right. We are in a very vulnerable position right now. The country at large seems to be trending right during the biden years, as Biden is about as interesting as drywall, and I feel like we're living in 1968 and 1980 all at once. WE ARE LOSING. Like, I follow the polls, I'm doing the election math, WE ARE LOSING. We need to play defense. We need to hunker down, we need to back our guys, and we need to ride out this moment. 

And to Kyle, who basically says to thus who fear this, that Biden should just give in to the protesters' demands so we go back to normalcy, ARE YOU FRICKING NUTS DUDE?! First of all, I looked at the gaza issue. I don't think it's actually realistic policy to expect Biden to broker any peace agreement here. I don't think it makes sense for the government to stop funding israel given a lack of our support could spark a much larger war in the region. I honestly think Biden is doing all that he can, and the protesters are being quite frankly unreasonable. I get their passion to some extent, but seriously, they're not living in reality.

So....basically, we're stuck between a rock and a hard place. The left is going full on bugnuts, while the rest of the country is shifting right. Biden is at a real risk of losing, and it's not a GOOD kind of losing. If I were the democrats, and I had to learn from a future Biden loss in november, I'd probably see the left as snowflakey unreliable voters and I'd shift further to the right. We can debate what exactly brought us to this point, i do think that Hillary's original sin of 2016 and losing many white working class voters to the right is partially responsible for this too. but you know what? We're not winning them back doing this crap. They're already screaming about inflation and think trump is some god king economic genius for whatever reason, and now they see the second coming of the 1968 anti war protests and they're gonna be like F these radicals and vote for republicans for the rest of their lives. Like holy crap, people don't seem to understand this. WE ARE LOSING. WE ARE LOCKING OURSELVES INTO CERTAIN ELECTORAL PATTERNS NOT FAVORABLE TO US THAT WILL GIVE US THE SAME CRAP CHOICES EVERY ELECTION WE'VE BEEN MAKING SINCE 2016 AT BEST.

And at worst...well....Trump might attempt to overthrow democracy itself. 

Again, shape up fast or we're fricking done, and it's back to the fricking dog house for ANOTHER 40 years. And Kyle, stop enabling the worst traits of your fan base. I know you dont visit your own subreddit but if you did and were a commentator there for a while I think you'd be horrified by the monster you're creating with these crap takes.

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